Allie Greco
Murohy Middle School
sports, freinds, soda, cheese, and freinds
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How ms jimmy dies
September 06 2005
"Scarlet the people at mcdonalds forgot my chocoalate milk shake"
"oh no mama we have to go back"
"no thats ok i think ill go on the 10000 calorie diet "
"thats good idea mama but we all no wat happend to the last diet u went on"
"the tire poped on the car cuz u couldnt keep it together"
few days later....
on her way to the school
i cant ake it anymore i need that choclate milkshake
help me god help me
in the news papers couple days later
Ms. Jimmmy was a very noble but portly lady she drove a bus full of very nice kids on there way to school. She died 2 days ago from a car axcedent. but wat i really think is that she was just to portly. The police say that the bus tipped over and and fell into the bridge by a poped or flat tire.
and this is how ms jimmy died
"oh no mama we have to go back"
"no thats ok i think ill go on the 10000 calorie diet "
"thats good idea mama but we all no wat happend to the last diet u went on"
"the tire poped on the car cuz u couldnt keep it together"
few days later....
on her way to the school
i cant ake it anymore i need that choclate milkshake
help me god help me
in the news papers couple days later
Ms. Jimmmy was a very noble but portly lady she drove a bus full of very nice kids on there way to school. She died 2 days ago from a car axcedent. but wat i really think is that she was just to portly. The police say that the bus tipped over and and fell into the bridge by a poped or flat tire.
and this is how ms jimmy died