Emily Baker
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Oakland High School
my friends, my family, my amazing boyfriend jake, camino with ella, snow, rainy days, driving, holidays, coca cola, my dog tucker, oakland, laughing, singing, playing sports, playing the piano, playing any other instrument woo, the computer, doing yoga, my god, hanging out with jake, swimming, dog susie, dog buddy, gatlinburg, decatur, michael buble', chris botti, jake feltner, having great friends and having the best boyfriend in the world
Favorite Music
michael buble', chris botti, billy childs, moulin rouge sountrack, kenny chesney, herbie hancock, anna nalick, deirks bently, frank sinatra, gavin degraw, john mayer, jack johnson, jamie cullum, keith urban, josh groban, mark whitfield, pink floyd, rascal flatts, raul midon, stevie wonder...and much more
Favorite Movies
moulin rouge, chicago, pretty woman, my best friends wedding, harry potter 1, 2, 3, and 4, saw one and two, the patriot, a knights tale, the breakfast club, finding nemo, aladin, pirates of the carribean, lord of the rings, gattaca, closer, corpse bride, nightmare before christmas, big fish, and a lot more
April 03 2006
well so i dont really know if i like having this thing
1. i get no comments.
2. i dont know anything about it
3. yeah
so yoga tonight..woo...
so like i wish i was photogenic..like ya know how some people can just like take great pictures of themselves...yeah definately not one of those people...kind of depressing.
see alabama isn't so bad....haha (i'm in a swamp btw)
this sign IS NOT fake haha they have them al over decatur...just a different kind of bump....haha
anyways..im leaving to eat and then go to yoga..please leave at least maybe one comment.. : )
March 04 2006
first post thingy..wooo so yeah, still very new to this whole thing and i don't really know what i'm doing here...i think i'm going to try to keep my posts not like xanga and all "my life" stuff...im just going to put like happy things on here..sooo for all the happy stuff..
life is amazing right now..not perfect, because it has it's ups and downs...but very close to it. I don't really know what else to write in here...i met some very cool people this weekend in kingston while i was at premire, i got to just talk to everyone there while jumping on trampolines..haha (premire is a gymnastics training facility for those who didn't know)
i met this person last night, lives down the street from my grandparents...very normal looking...a great christian..a beautiful person all around..i later found out about a disability of the other person and it completely shocked me things like that could happen to someone like then..and i was just really amazing to see how christ helped them find their way....just a little story..i couldnt tell the whole thing because its personal..if you want to ask me about it..you can..i just didnt want to put it on here..
on another note...i have been in a relationship with the most amazing guy ever for 6 months...thats right...6 whole months...with jacob feltner...i love it so much...and i hope there's 6 more to come... : )
i am completely in love.