Relationship Status
Siegel High
Favorite Music
anything but country
my nose hurts :[
January 03 2007
so i was in the hospital for seven stinkin hours.
they took care of everything. moved my septum over cleaned everything out.
and here's a funny story that me and my parents found out about
i broke my nose when i was little
yea. how do you not know? well .. we didn't
the doctor was like.. when we went up there and saw fracture lines where her nose had repaired. so that was a fun time.
but yea so i'm good and on oxycotton. so life's pretty peachy.
January 04 2007
so does that mean they fixed everything and you don't have any more sinus problems?
Randy Rodden
January 04 2007
Maybe that's why your nose was always SO squishy! It all makes sense now!