I'm anti-human


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August 15 2007

Moses was stupid. He wondered in the wilderness for 10 forevers, and all that time God blessed him and stuff. How did he repay God? He thwacked His rock. That's right. God says: Talk to this rock. Do not thwack it. But instead Moses walks up and thwacks it. So God killed him. I mean really, how stupid is Moses? God says "Do not thwack rock" and what did he do? He thwacked the rock!!!!! Is it really so tempting? Is it really that hard to resist thwacking a perfectly thwackable rock? Aparently it was for Moses. And what happened to him? God struck him dead. This teaches us many things. 1) If your walking down a sunny lane on a windy Thursday after having a nice chat with God about rock thwacking, and all of a sudden a rock says to you "Don't thwack me" DO NOT THWACK IT!!!! 2) Follow the rules. If you don't break the rules, God won't kill you. Moses broke the rules, so he had to die. 3) PUT ON SOME PANTS!!!!!!



♥...blue eyes...♥

August 15 2007
kayla, put on some pants!!! my feet hurt like monkey frick...ugh! lol...haha good times.

At the Crossroads of Life

August 17 2007
Honestly, I think I might thwack a rock if it said something to me.... that would scare me half to death!!!!