I'm anti-human


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My Autobiography

July 03 2007

Fill this out in YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as "My Autobiography"

Prologue 1. Where did you take your default pic? I didn't take it.

 2. What exactly are you wearing right now? A green and blue hippie shirt with little animals and trees on it from Goodys and blue jean shorts from American Eagle 

 3. What is your current problem? High School and what awaits me there.

 4. What makes you most happy? Being totally and completely care-free with ALL my friends.

 5. What’s the name of the song that you're listening to? Some old song I don't know, but "Watching You" by Rodney Atkins *spelled wrong* just went off.

6. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? yes

7. Do you ever watch MTV?? yeah 

 8. What’s something that really annoys you? People who don't know when to stop.


 Chapter 1:

1. Middle name: Top secret

2. Nickname(s): Karebear, Kookie monster

3. Current place? Computer room/spare bedroom

 4. Eye color: Dirt brown (ug)

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2:

1. Do you live with your parents? yes

 2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?most times

 3. Are your parent’s married/separated/divorced? married

 4. Do you have any Siblings?yup 2

 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Favorite...

1. Ice Cream: I had this one once, chocolate with chocolate chips and browny peices.

 2. Season: fall, not to hot and not to cold

 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Do You..

1. Write on your hand: yes

2. Call people back: on the rare occasion of someone calling me

3. Believe in love: I belive in love, and heartbreak...............

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? I sleep right in the middle of my bed.

 5. Have any bad habits? yes

 6. Any mental health issues? Most likly


Chapter 5: Have You....

1. Broken a bone: nope

 2. Bought new stuff in the last two weeks: depends on what "stuff" is, if that inclueds food, than yes.

3. Had physical therapy?: no

4. Gotten stitches:nope

 5. Taken painkillers? yes

6. Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: no

7. Been stung by a bee? i think

8. Thrown up at the dentist: no  

9. Ever sworn in front of your parental. No, i've only sworn once and am dealing with uncontrolably horrid consiqences. :(

10. Had detention: No

11. Been sent to the principal's office? yeah (snuck out of the classroom. 3rd grade was a baaaaaad year.)

12. Been suspended: Thank the Lord, no


Chapter 6: Who/What was the last

1. Movie(s) you watched?: Evan Almighty, not as good as Bruce but still hilarious. 

 2. Person to text you: I dont have texting.

 3. Person you called: Batey

4. Person you hugged? Mom, probably.

5. Last person you tackled: Idk, probably my sister, but it's been a while

6. Thing you touched: I'm touching my keyboard *O_o That question's kinda weird.

7. Thing you ate: Long John Silver's fish 

8. Thing you drank: Mountain Dew

9. Time you cried: Sunday

10. Wished on a star: Not since before my brother was born, probably more than 3 years