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i should just become an insomniac, or just quit everything

March 16 2006
so yea just got finished baking friggin 60 brownies with only one pan.......because rocket team needed them for ouy patty day fundraiser

and i have aci colorguard at 0615 ( for you civies out there that is 6:15 A.M.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

not cool

i still have math to do
but on the flip side our band finally picked some lyrics........
but i'm not going to tell you what they are because i like keeping secrets

and there's people out there too stupid to come up with their own and they would steal them

oh yea
and molly attacked me <({ : o) (i call that face jack............ from the food commercials)

beth cooper

March 17 2006
thank you!! what'd you get me?! oh my goodness today is gonna be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!