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more labs, and stairs, and even less sleep

February 27 2006
so yes really really bored.............
wer're supposed to be doing a lab in pt but amanda isn't here so yea we don't have any data and its hard to do a lab report without the data so i decided to phuse becaus im bored

did you kno that multivitamins can make you hyper?
they make me hyper but i couldn't take mine today beacuse my alarm went off at 5 but i decided to sleep in til 530 so ..............
no multivitamin for me........

ran inside today colonel made us run the satirs.........

i hate the stairs.........
they are evil.............
not to mention that i couldnt even feel my feet which made me very prone to almost faceplanting into them.............

but i saved myself from that thank goodness.................

this orienteering thing is taking up my next 3 saturdays........

this will be two months running without a day to sleep in when this is all over............................. :{
and there is much sadness in that


February 27 2006