
June 22 2005
Alright, time to come clean.

A little late notice, I know, but I'm leaving Friday morning for Florida. No, I don't know how long I'll be gone, but rest assured, I'll be back, even if in short spurts for a couple of years. I don't know why I haven't been able to simply say that, but then again, I don't know how to say a lot of things. This is the second time I've had to leave friends and change scenery, but...the first time was of my own free will. I can't survive here, not in this situation, with a horrible job market that does nothing to help me, a housing situation that strains finances, and a life that merely puts stress on me.

But because that's not enough, let's pile on top my (as always) conflicting opinions as it concerns with this crazy thing we call "love". Every time I'm "sure" I'm in love with someone, it comes back to bite me and say, "No, not as much as you think." And I'm almost certain it will come back the same way this time...of course, this time, my affections and the way they're shown toward the target are vague. Mind you, they probably know; they've read what I love to have in a signifigant other, and they fit it perfectly, but, as always, the eternal question is if the feeling is mutual, and I, as always, doubt it is.

But that's the problem with me. Eternal doubt in myself, despite my everlasting faith, the hope that I'll be shown the way, but who knows, other than God? But regardless, when she reads this, she'll know, and I can only hope that God will lead her in the right direction, wherever that is.

On a lighter topic, I got a haircut today, and I am doing a giant farewell get together lunch at around 1:00. Hit me up from 11:00 forward on my cell, as I'll be out and around from that point on...and I really don't know where we'll be doing lunch, but I'm thinking La Siesta...just...don't know which one.

So. Yeah.


June 22 2005
I'm going to miss you so much! I will be there tomorrow:-) luv ya

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 22 2005
bah, I can't make lunch. I feel quite left out. After that tho . . . :-)

Anna Miller

June 23 2005
i'm assuming that's what you were going to tell me. sorry i never got back to you when you called :( i love you, clint, and i'll miss you a lot.