Clint Nadeau




The Diaper Change with Aslan Nadeau.

March 21 2006

"My Daddy ain't got nothing on these big guns!...Cool I can stick my tongue out!"
         The face a 1am diaper change.

"Holla back, y'all."

Emily Perakes

March 21 2006
awwww..... so so so SWEET!!!


March 21 2006
I still love his spikes! Lol

Megan Polis

March 21 2006
Love the second to last pic!

Carla Simpson

March 21 2006
look at those beautiful big eyes!!! congratulations again!


March 21 2006
thats awesome bro... how bout YOU holla back at a brotha... yo

Rachael Vance

March 21 2006
amazing..i'm so excited for y'all!!

elizabeth duncan

March 21 2006
i just got to hold baby aslan. mmmm sweet baby. he's precious!

Kelly Sullivan

March 21 2006
You do realise, of course, that when he's fourteen and finds out about this he's going to seek revenge?? ;) ;) Cute photos. I'm so happy for you three. :) x 54.


March 22 2006
Neat. He's looking into my soul through those pictures.


March 22 2006
i'm so proud that Clint survived a 1 a.m. diaper change! welcome to daddy-hood, Clint!

ami driver

March 22 2006
precious... you have to be so proud.. and i like those "big guns". hahaha! =)


March 23 2006
Diapers for a year = 28,473,950.19 Wipes for a year = 1,563,825.23 Having a baby = Priceless I can't wait to find out love ya'll Abi fact : The numbers above are not the exact price.

Kelly Hamby

March 24 2006
he is so adorable!! i can't wait to see him!!

Carrie McComas

April 15 2006
Wow. He's gorgeous...and he has your hair! Congratulations.


April 17 2006
he is like the cutest thing like ever! so adorable!