We are serving the right God at the right time....and the devil can't do a thing about it.

July 12 2005
Well nothing to report here. We had our first group this week since our break last week. They are so awesome and have such willing hearts. There were 6 people that said the prayer of salvation today and 4 yesterday. God is good and I would dare someone to tell me different. He definately showed up today in worship. I could feel Him all around me and it was amazing. Our speaker is a man that I have admired since I met him last summer. He is on FIRE for Jesus and he needs our help. His name is Daryl Coulter. He is the pastor of Joy Baptist Church but he doesn't have a church. He had has the foundation laid but everytime there is someone to help him build the church something happens. The money is not there but God has the money already, it's just when God decides to give it to him. Just pray for his church and patience.

He said something today that really struck me. He said that we are immortal. And I believe that...we are immortal till God decides that He is done with us. We should never be afraid of ANYTHING that is of this world. We have His protection on us until it is our time to go. They can't touch us because the Lord is with us. Let that sink in and think about that. It will change your life. It did mine.

Well I love you all and I am so excited because this friday night for family night we are going to this dance class to learn how to do the "shag". haha


July 12 2005


July 15 2005
you make me smile! i love you so so so much!! i miss you! and thank you so much for my card..i got it today!! i saw the hand writting on the envolp and was like..."SARAH!!!" lol!! :D I'm so excited to hear about what God is teaching you! All I have to say is, I can't wait to have one of our many "God-talks" when you come home! I love you! take care and stay strong!! ;)


July 20 2005
SARAH...........i miss you hott stuff! i can't wait to see you soon!!!