Why can't we all just get along?
June 17 2007
I will never be able to understand why people can't be honest to each other. Recently I learned the truth as to who my real friends are and had some very hurtful things said about me. Now I know what you're thinking, "I'm sure this girl isn't honest to everyone 100% of the time." I'll admit it I'm not, but I'm not continuously hiding my true feelings about people. I let people know when I don't like them. I think there is a definite difference between hiding your feelings and being civil and respectful in public. I attempt to let my feelings be known by how I act, not by going behind people's backs and talking about them while pretending to like them to their face. And when you confront someone on an issue, its nice when they just tell you the truth instead of continuing to lie to you. I just don't get it. I wish we weren't forced to play the "do they really like me?" game whenever we befriend someone.