Fun Weekend

October 16 2005
So, it's fall break, Matt has been off work, and Jonathan and my dad were both at home.  These things all equal an extra fun weekend.  Friday Matt and I went to Fall Creek Falls.  Matt popped Phish into the CD player as we were leaving and said that it was good mood music for our drive.  I have never listened to Phish before, but it wasn't so bad.  I then asked him to put Nickel Creek in, which I thought was good mood music for the drive.  Once there, we hiked down to the bottom of the big waterfall and then hiked along the creek which involved climbing up and under some pretty big rocks.  We followed the creek until it ended, but could hear water flowing up ahead, so we kept going.  We found another creek flowing perp. to us and made our way across it.  We then climbed a huge rock and sat on it to eat our lunch which Matt had prepared before we left.  We had turkey and cheese wraps with apples and fruit snacks, very good.  We then almost got lost trying to find our way back.  Afterwards we hiked back up to the top of the big waterfall.  Anyone who has ever been to Fall Creek Falls knows that this is the hardest part.  Matt and I went there about 3 years ago and I was huffing and puffing and had to stop once or twice.  This time we climbed all the way to the top without stopping and it really wasn't that bad.  I guess a little bit of working out goes a long way!  We then went to the smaller waterfall and played in it for a bit before taking off.  Matt got bored on the way home, so he decided to entertain himself by yelling at the animals we passed.  Now, normal people who see a cow would moo, but Matt decided to actually yell, "Excuse me, Hey you, cow, look over here."  Amazingly, there were several cows that would stop eating grass and quickly look up to see who was talking to them.  It was the funniest thing ever.  He did it with horses, peacocks, chickens, dogs, and even a few humans.  What a funny boyfriend I have.  He entertained us for the whole ride home.  After we got back we made Boca burgers and fries and Jonathan came over to eat with us.  While we were cooking, Matt and Jonathan decided to watch a video made by Arnold Swartsignager (I have no clue how to spell that!) on pumping iron.  Matt was telling Jonathan how much protein the burgers had in them and now they are both obsessed with protein. After dinner we went to Seigal's homecoming game to see Sarah dance.  We got there during half-time and sat in the stands with her during the 3rd quarter.  Seigal scored and Jonathan and Matt went nuts.  When they made the extra point they stood up and yelled, "In the world of stars, you are a supernova."  Their yells were met with laughs and a few strange looks.  When Sarah was dancing during the 4th quarter they stood in front of the dance team and sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  It was quite funny.  After the game we went to Starbucks for a bit.  Last night we (parents included) went to a Corn Maze in Spring Hill.  It was designed to be a picture of Lewis and Clark.  We split up to see who could make it out the fastest.  Jonathan, Matt and I won.  After the corn maze we went to Steak and Shake.  Today we went to church and then ate lunch over here.  As I said earlier, Jonathan and Matt are now obsessed with protein and getting buff, so they have been eating many eggs and working out.  They just left to go to Matt's and drink protein shakes.  Have you ever had a protein shake?  If not, don't try it.  My experience with them has not been good.  Anyways, hope your weekend has been as fun-filled as mine.  I have something else fun planned for tomorrow, but will save that for another entry.
Oh, and as I was talking to Sarah last ngiht I realized that she has never been to the homecoming dance before.  This shocked me because when I was in high school everyone went to the dance.  So, my question is, did you go to your homecoming dance?  What are your thoughts on this topic?

Rachael Moore

October 16 2005
that all sounds like so much fun! i went to the corn maze one year, and pretty sure my friends and i are dumb or something. we ened up super lost and had to just take off running towards the light straight through the corn. not even on the trails. yeah, we were that LAST group out. haha. we also looked like a bunch of city people, my friend was on her cell phone almost the entire time. crazyness. anyway, my freshman year a lot of people were all about the homecoming dances, however after that it was not the cool thing to do. that does shock me as well, i think you should try those things out at least once. but that is just my opinion. now that i have rambled on, i am gonna get ready to go to church. thanks for inviting to lunch today! i wish i could of made it! by the way, i also need to talk to you about wednesday. hope you are having a great day! talk to you later!

Nathan Moore

October 16 2005
sounds fun.


October 16 2005
you are totally a good enough friend to ride in my car anytime, by the way - if you dare.


October 16 2005
the year before i went to High School, a dude streaked at Homecoming. So, McGavock hasn't had a dance (besides prom) in years (at least, since i went there). glad you and Matt had fun. Fall Creek Falls is awesome, i haven't been in years, but used to have the best times there. fun stuff, miss seeing yall, much love!


October 17 2005
Matt and J-Mo... wow... they are both so crazy and funny! You gotta love them! Nobody goes to Homecoming dances anymore except Student Council members and Homecoming Court because they are forced to, and some freshman who don't know any better. I suppose the times have changed.

elizabeth duncan

October 17 2005
um, no everyone did not go to homecoming. i was anti-homecoming. i only went as a freshman, and then once as a senior.


October 17 2005
Only the freshman and weird kids went to any kind of dances at our school besides prom.

Bethany Bratcher

October 17 2005
Well, I think that is dances can be kinda lame, but everyone should experience them at least once :)

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 18 2005
Maybe I have some weird descriptions, sue me. lol