
May 24 2006

wow, do you know what makes me happy...? shall i make a list for you?

♪ no more highschool
♪no more stupid ass people
♪no more fucking drama
♪no more lunch lines with stupid underclassmen cutters..
♪no more artificial friendships
♪no more lame excuses or bull shit

yeah... im free. im a graduate. im older. whatever. im glad to be out of school and i will definitely miss friends and i will want them to keep in touch with me always even though i know most of us are going seperate ways and we will be too busy making new friends to really remember the old ones. but definitely try to keep in touch. i have your number in my phone! no reason not to randomly text me when you want to talk!

im in nashville alot these days... even though im driving a car im trying to sell because it is fucking me big time because of all the shit im repairing on the peice of junk. im looking for a new car. and i want a jeep wrangler. but then i want a full suv y'know. i like my big bodies. people move out of your fucking way.

when is school officially out? is it may 31st or what cause i gotta bring that stuff back to mr. griffith. stat. and im working on it, and i was suppose to bring it up there yesterday and i got busy and had to go places. and today im in nasshville so i really can't take it up there cause i have to go to work after i get back so... sorry. *shrugs*

graduation was pretty good. i got a digital camera (a kodak easy share- comes w/ a printer) and that was cool cause it was on my list of shit i wanted. then my computer... i haven't got it yet but i have atleast have of the money down on it. i just need about $800 more... (: im getting a mac. yes, yes, yes. Y-E-S.

alright i gotta blow this joint. hit the mall for a little bit until sam gets out of school and then head home and go to work. : oi..

Amanda Judy

May 25 2006
gosh....sounds like your day was just eventful as mine! lol

Michael Van Vliet

June 02 2006
Hail Brigette u nailed it gurl