A letter to her.

February 18 2008
This is a letter to her and all of her majesty,
To show my appreciation for all of the help she has given me.
This is a letter to her and all of her majesty,
To ask what happened to such a beautiful woman.
This is a letter to her and all of her majesty,
To ask why her beautiful long hair is up in a bun.

What happened to this wonderful “person”
Whose beauty stretched from sea to sea?
How could “someone” so great and wonderful
Take such a hard fall?
Does anyone know what happened?
Does anyone want to admit it?
I think I know, bad direction,
Bad things influencing her,
And worst of all, the things living inside her
Ate her alive, slowly destroying her.

Once a beautiful, majestic, sturdy, and powerful woman,
Is now what seems to be a feeble falling old lady?
How will she get back on her feet?
How can she regain control of her mind?
Only by relinquishing control can she be well again,
She cannot hold this ground as one person.
Power must be spread out, let the hands handle things,
Let the brain think, let the heart love,
And let her feet move forward,
At least from this defensive stance she has taken.

Now that the correct parts have control,
Now, she can be able to walk like the person she was,
And have control and power that she once was.
She was feared but love, caring but stern.
Faithful but reasonable and she was strong and unforgiving.
She is America.

Erin:: lub my flower.

February 18 2008
is this from the book you're reading? i really like the " Power must be spread out,let the hands handle things, let the brain think,let the heart love, and lt her feet move forward.." Amazing!


February 19 2008
wrote it myself, thanks.

Kaelynn Malugin

February 19 2008

whitley groves

February 26 2008
Oh my gosh that is so deep it scares me!!