Just my rambles

November 27 2007
If I were you would pretend like I didn't even see this blog. (just ignore it)

    Ok so I am going to start saying with my hate for the world is complete, I can now say whole....not heartedly, I deny having one. Ok...I can now say with everything in me that I hate the world. For all of those who still admire the world I am attracted to your ignorance. There are no good people. Only people who do mostly bad and some good. What is good anyways. What is the point in it?

    Now on to my next ramble. I hate those little survey things. gosh they are annoying, especially when everyone is doing them dang post something meaningful. I am guilty of posting one or two myself. But gosh do you really think anyone cares what you were doing 30 min ago? Heck I don't care what you are doing now or tomorrow. Yes I know YOU don't care what I think, then let me ask you one question if you don't care what I think, then why are you reading this? Maybe more of a question for yourself and not me.

    For those of you who know or have anything to do with the mime team then maybe you will understand my next ramble. It is turning into, for lack of a better word, crap. The parents think that they can control everything and that it matters who is doing what and who with. That only matters if they are doing it at mime. Let parents be parents at home that is why they are here not to tell everyone elses kids that they are doing something wrong. My mom may have not been the best example to say that she is guiding me in the right direction but Amber and Aaron are doing a heck of a job. What I do with that is up to me and my personal convictions. So maybe you should read this verse Matthew 7:3  please follow this link to the biblegateway NASB version of the verse. Now not that the students aren't doing a great job, because they are, they are doing better than I could have ever imagened me doing. Great job team, I give no recoginition to the parents, although there are some good ones. Some that I respect, there aren't many of them, there aren't many worth respect.

     With all of that said, or typed, I wish a good day to all.   


November 27 2007
First off, Personally I kinda care what you have to say, I like to see what comes out of your mouth next. Personally I think its all crap but HEY if you want to say it fine. Your right, why in the world do I read your posts...they do nothing but bring me down and drive me craZy! Maybe I should stop Second, I like doing those stupid quiZZes b/c I fun them kinda fun and they bring a smile to my face. We both know we don’t get along the lest bit, so I’m not so sure why I’m even remarking this.....

Jacob Wuertz

November 27 2007
Dear Austinato, This "kings and queens" of mime thing is getting rather annoying. Most parents want to stop DATING. I do believe thats my choice as long as its not in YOUR buisness. Anyway whats up with the secret leaders meetings? its supposed to be to "give us room to fellowship" but its digging a moat through the team, between peer leader and average mime. I almost brought it up when mckenna asked about whats happening at mime but i ran outta time cuz kalynn was talking about her hat. Thanks

Cant wait to see her..!!

November 27 2007
all im gonna say is that im praying for you austin and the mime team. i dont want noooo drama started soo im not gonna post my thought about what you (austin) wrote..

Erin:: lub my flower.

November 27 2007
Guys please stop all this!!! The mime team is everything to me , And i dont agree with a lot of this either, thank you Jacob for what you said about dating! i am done defending me , but if anyone wants to start anything , i have a why i do what i do testimony/paper in my mime folder! I think the team leaders are helping mckenna out a lot, and its not bc i am one im sorry yall !

♥...blue eyes...♥

November 28 2007
okay...i am not going to say what i really think about you and the whole parents and problems thing. if you want to know, you can message me. but the dating on the team and all the other crap that's going on is not being fixed!!! the parents are trying to help, unlike a lot of other people. there is no passion on the team anymore, not many people care, and no one seems to notice. i am seriously thinking about quitting and if you want me to talk to a leader, then talk to me. but i know where i stand....and this is it.