Still Learning About You....

July 08 2007
learning the thing called life.

I have been out of school for about a month and a week now but the teaching sessions have yet to silence and I suppose they never will....ever. Here are just some of the things I have learned.


 1. Just because it is not the right time now does not mean it will never be the right time. 


2. Sometimes the quickest way to lose something is to want it too much ( for the second time )


3. Wanting what you can or should not have leads no where except for dissapointment


4. The need for something should only be filled by that thing and not by another, also that need should be a real need


5. Nothing is only surface deep.



Thank you all for reading and I thank you life for teaching me these lessons.  

Erin:: lub my flower.

July 08 2007
u learn , u tell..... we hear .. we learn!

Kaelynn Malugin

July 08 2007
uhm you really are amazing. in many ways.

♥ eyes...♥

July 09 2007
yup yup he sure is...yeah. you are very


July 10 2007
ALRIGHT! ( in J.Ds wording ) lol thats fantastic