My new Camera

March 06 2007

Thanks to all your helpful advice meet my new Camera

Man she is a beauty


March 06 2007
lol very nice!!! :)

Rachael Moore

March 06 2007
haha you look so excited in that first photo! that is a very nice camera

Cant wait to see her..!!

March 06 2007
Yeah the camera is nice but your making the picture look

Brandon Ray

March 07 2007
we are a rock/alternative band with a little bit of metal mixed in. There is no screaming (although I think we might add just some to one line of a song) The CD we are recording is $3 and it only has 2 of our promotional songs on there. Once we get enough money and all our lyrics and stuff together, we will come out with the full album and you will get $2-3 off for pre-ordering.

Nathan Moore

March 07 2007

♥ eyes...♥

April 06 2007
corey, at least austin doesnt break cameras when people take HIS picture!!! lol j/k! lylab