Everyone else is doing it...

February 09 2006

Introduce yourself in one bold, honest paragraph.
My name is Sara Shaban and I am many things. A dreamer, a thinker, and a beginner are among some of those things. I am a growing christian with more than enough questions. I change my mind alot therefore I have a wide variety of goals and dreams. I plan on studying journalism because I want to travel the world and let everyone else in on my adventures. If you were ever to give me a gift make sure it's a book or a giftcard to a place where I could get one.

Tell me what people think about you.
On first impression their reaction is most likely "Weird, but I like her." I like that impression.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To have the ability to just sit and listen for a while.

Have you ever felt at home with someone?
 Completely besides my mother? not yet.

Describe your appearance.
I'm 5'2. I have long dark brown hair but you might as well call it black. My eyes are brown as well. I have hands the size of a 5 yr olds and an arab looking nose.

Biggest revelation to date?
"Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless."
"It's all about relationships."

Biggest issue weighing you down?
College. Accepting the Future.

Theme song?
"Do you love me now that I can dance?"

Give me some final parting advice.
Form as many relationships with as many diffrent people as you can.

Jonathan Moore

February 11 2006
yup that pretty much sums it up. i hope you are having a great day Sara!

Alden Ward

February 12 2006
Well first impression... it was too long ago to remember (skat! haha i'm just playing) this weekend was fun! I just wish your dad would hook that thing up for your mom!!!