
April 10 2006

you never know what he did for you!!What Happened on the Cross
 by John Damascene (c. 675-749) 
By nothing else except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ has death been brought low:
    The sin of our first parent destroyed,
    hell plundered,
    resurrection bestowed,
    the power given us to despise the things of this world,
    even death itself,
    the road back to the former blessedness made smooth,
    the gates of paradise opened, 
    our nature nature seated at the right hand of God,
    and we made children and heirs of God.
By the cross all these things have been set aright...
    It is a seal that the destroyer may not strike us,
    a raising up of those who lie fallen,
    a support for those who stand,
    a staff for the infirm,
    a crook for the shepherded,
    a guide for the wandering,
    a perfecting of the advanced,
    salvation for soul and body,
    a deflector of all evils,
    a cause of all goods,
    a destruction of sin,
    a plant of resurrection,
    and a tree of eternal life.
We venerate the cross as a safeguard of faith, as the strengthening of hope and the throne of love. It is the sign of mercy, the proof of forgiveness, the vehicle of grace and the banner of peace. We venerate the cross, because it has broken down our pride, shattered our envy, redeemed our sin and atoned for our punishment.

"The cross of Christ is the door to heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the  prize for our freedom. The cross was the hope of the patriarchs, the promise of the prophets, the triumph of kings and the ministry of priests. Tyrants are convicted by the cross and the mighty ones defeated, it lifts up the miserable and honors the poor. The cross is the end of darkness, the spreading of light, the flight of death, the ship of life and the kingdom of salvation.

Rachel Hughey

April 10 2006
Well...tell us how you really feel...lol Bye!

Carol Nixon

April 10 2006
yay!!! i love brandi. im so proud of you.