Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

Yo soy uno, y tu tambien, por eso alabamos al Senor.

April 09 2007

so. life is good, and pretty much the same as always. no boys, lots of work, but plenty of Jesus to make up for the things that stink. i just started the coolest devotional that i found in our computer desk. it is truly amazing.

When you know that God doesn't want you to do something, and yet you want it so bad, it makes for a very interesting situation. This boy...gracious. I love him so much, but I love Him more. I know that he is not God's best for me, and I believe that if i am patient, God will bring me someone. (Or He might not bring me anyone, and that's ok, too.) I just have to keep believing that something else will come along, and I tell myself that I can't give in and do what I want. But God has been so faithful to fill up that void for now. And the cool part is, the closer i get to Him, the less i feel as though i need "him". But it still doesn't make it any easier to be around him.

Nayways, other than that, life is peachy. School is almost over, thank goodness, and i have yet to fail chemistry, so that's a plus. I made an 84 out of 90 on my Free Response (i'm thinkin only APUSH kids know what i'm talking about), and things are, as i said, peachy.

but on a more depressing note, i really miss Bruce lately. I just can't believe how much i've grown up since he died, and i often find myself wondering what he'd be like if he had grown up with us. i miss his friendship, and how he was always there for me. I miss our deep conversations, and i miss him telling me about his walk with Christ. It's been a long time since i've had a conversation with a friend about that. i wish that William and I actually agreed about anything. but we don't, and that's ok for now. the arguing just makes things hard. i swear, if people didn't know us they would think that we were married because of how much we fight. it's a bit ridiculous. anyways. i'll stop boring anyone who actually reads this. much love to you all---Cari

the brian king kenobi

April 09 2007
i love you, cari jennings. i miss seeing you all the time.