Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

it's official...

December 07 2005

i have the best friends in the whole entire world (not to mention the coolest mom.). so i was sittin in school today, feelin like a loser cause i wasn't doin anything for my birthday. so my mom says that she wants to take me to Starbucks after school. i was like, yeah, i guess i can skip model UN today. so we drive up, and i'm like, wow, there's Kelsey's car...and i think i see stroop's i walk in the door completely unaware that all of my friends were there to throw me a surprise party! omgosh, it was great. let's see...there was: abby, jared, stephen, sarah walls, katie kimbell, stroop, kelsey shearron, matt goodman, joey meier, emily isabell, rachael meyer, nathan moore, milly, clint, chris, storey, my mom, sister and brother, and among all this, Rebecca St. James randomly shows up, and she was so nice! wow... how random. i definitely got cards and/or presents from everyone, and it was great. then after some of the other left, i went shopping with abby, jared, emily, and kelsey....too much fun. abby and jared went off and bought me a basket of my fave (Coconut Lime Verbena) stuff from Bath and Body...which jared remembered from 2 years sweet. and then, like everyone was tellin me happy b-day this morning. it was great. then church was omgosh God is amazing. sounds cliche, but i can't even think of what to say about Him. gosh. wow. anyways. best birthday ever. much love to all of you.---Cari

p.s.--I'M SIXTAYN!


December 07 2005
awww thats amazing! i'm so glad you had a good birthday! that surprise party sounds AWESOME.. heh i want one! well... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


December 07 2005
16?!? Oh no! Thanks for the warning!


December 07 2005
oh wow! that is so exciting...your 16th birthday is one that you have to remember something great happening. i'm glad you had a good one.


December 08 2005
happy bday

Abby Dee

December 08 2005
yayyyy!! that was SUCH A GREAT AFTERNOON!!


December 08 2005
your wonderful and i love you my cari of the sweet 16!!!!!!


December 11 2005
those are the 2 best groups on this site lol and there is someone in them who has no idea where they really came from lol .......tranvestites goin wild on gay street!!!!

kelsey shearron

December 11 2005
YAY..oo how i loooove you