Am I good enough to belong in your reverie a perfect girl?

July 04 2005
^Sarah McLachlan^

Happy 4th of July!

Tonight = fireworks at MTSU with the family, Kelly, Tyler and Calvin. If you are there, definitely call my cell so we can go hang out and watch them together. Hey, Sara are you going?

My uncle and grandma are here now. Tis fun. Yesterday they all went to this concert in Nashville Sarah was playing at but I didnt want to go. So I actually had some time to hang out with a friend. I went over to Andrew's new house. And we watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Holy shit that movie was awesome. Ahh it was soo good! It was fun hanging out with him too.

Kelly is home now! Woot! Im missed her! You dont realize how much you love people until they leave you [even if its only for 2 weeks]. Im sure Valerie can relate, heh

Tyler H.

July 04 2005
hey look its me in her post! yes!

Sara Read

July 04 2005
yup, i'll call you when i get there? or you can call me. sounds fun.


July 04 2005
uhhh yeah... definitely can relate!! I can also relate to Eternal Sunshine being a freakin awesome movie. I was like wow Jim Carey can be serious!!! lol