Love was made to forget it

June 20 2005
^ The Arcade Fire ^

Today I feel really ugly........Bleh.

I added pictures. One is of me and my bathing suit [ew gross, I know.] But it actually kinda looks okay. *shrugs* I still feel ugly.

Maegan's mad at me. Cuz last night she told me she wasnt gonna volunteer at the discovery center this week when she already told the lady she would and she commited to it and the night before she changes her mind just becuz she kinda doesnt want to do it. It just seems so selfish. I dunno, I was mad. But now shes mad at me. And I feel bad about voicing my opinion but oh well. Im sick of biting my tongue around everyyyyyyyyone.

Today I volunteered with the 3-5 year olds. It was hard work but it was fun.

Sara Read

June 20 2005
that was so honest it was funny. its so weird how your mom is one person around me and my family, and totally different around you. im sorry, parents can suck that way.


June 20 2005
Ugh, my parents are like that, too. Only they have no reason to be. They just are. And yes, we definitely need to hang out, Katie... I love you!

Brett Tenpenny

June 21 2005
damn strait... canoeing

Jane Woodard

June 21 2005
pretty pictures :)

Brett Tenpenny

June 21 2005
ah, your not ugly... your as sexy as my tentmate!!! haha. but seriously, your not uhly

Krista Anderson

June 22 2005
You are NOT ugly. You're shmexy.


June 22 2005
katie: noun. the most beautiful person in the whole wide world next to lauren

Brett Tenpenny

June 23 2005
I love you too tickets!!! and your not ugly... id spank you... lol... i made myself laugh.


June 23 2005
....Umm I think you have the wrong girl? ...hmmmm I'm not sure I know you....


June 23 2005
Sound fun!!!