
January 12 2008


So have you ever had one of those days were its good but bad at the same time. You want to be happy but something always brings you down. Well thats what today has been like.

Okay so now i have a question. Say something big happens to you and your life will never be the same, and this something that happened is not a good something. And say you have forgiven this person that made this bad something that happened and changed your life, but everytimes you think about them you get all down and upset. Its not like i can change what happened and you know me, i live life and things happen as they happen if i cant change it i dont worry about it, I pretty much just go with the flow when the time calls for it. But this one thing that i know i cant change bothers me, and even if i could change it i dont think i would b/c this person is no longer someone i want to ever speak to again...i know this sounds so stupid and there really isn't an answer to my stupid question that i still haven't gotten around to asking. Well i'm just gona ask it anyway and see what you smart people can come up with.

How do i let it go? How do i say "i dont care what you did to me and how you messed my life up its over i dont care what you do or say to me anymore!"?


Its True

January 06 2008

I LOVE YOU! Yes You!!!Just Thought You Might Want To Know That :)


January 04 2008

Whats up my people. Today has been OKAY! i'm way tired and on over drive trying to get school started and caught back up. Things are kinda craZy with me, with trying to figure a lot out and walking out Christ infront of people i'm not such a big fan of, but i'm trying (but please keep me in your prayers, there are a bunch of girls that ask me questions about the Bible and dating at my youth and i'm trying to lead the right life for them to see, but its hard!)

 Anyway, message me or something :)


January 02 2008

2008: In The Beginning

Where did you bring in the New Year?: Austins house
Who were you with? a bunch of people but manily Tyler, Carmen and Kalyen,

Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: lol no

Did you make any resolutions?: nope.

2007: Your Love Life

Did you break up with anyone?: sorta...kinda..its werid

Did you get anything for Valentines day?: i got chocolate :)

Did you meet anyone special?: not really "special" but i met some new friends.

Did you fall in love?: i was already in love

2007: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends last year?: yeah
Did any of your friendships end?: not really

Did you make any new enemies?: i'm not sure if we're enemies.
Did you resolve any fights?: i dont know...maybe..lol

Who was your closest friend?: i would have to say Tyler

Who did you grow apart from?: in a way, Tyler
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?: a few, but i learned from them.

2007: Your BIRTHDAY!!!

How old did you turn?: 14
Did you have a cake?: heck yes...do you not know who i am :P
What did you do for your birthday?: went ice-skating

Did you get any presents?: yep.
Your favorite gift: the ring from Carmen Pooch E-A
2007: All about YOU

Did you change at all last year?: oh yes.
Did you dye your hair?: nope

Did you get your hair cut?: of course.
Did you change your style? probably a little.
Were you in school?: yeah.
Did you get good grades?: kinda :( but i hate getting a A- or B so i guess they were okay

Did you have a job?: other then babysitting no

Did you drive?: no :( but this yeah i can hahaha :P
Did you own a car?: well no if i couldn't drive why would i have a car? gosh..lol

Did anyone close to you give birth?: not that i can think of.
Did you move at all?: yeah.
Did you go on any vacations?: nope.
Did you leave the country at all?: i wish.
Would you change anything about yourself now?: maybe a few little things, but not much.

2007: Wrap Up.

was 2007 a good year?: um, yeah. it had its major downfalls but it was okay.
Did 2007 bring any new insights?: sure

Do you think 2008 will top 2007?: i hope so

Do you have any goals for 2008?: yeah

If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: i don't wanna look back. i'm ready for oh-eight.

Its True

January 02 2008













January 01 2008


 all you cool people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


December 30 2007

Its craZy, things seem to be going pretty good....but i know in a few days they are gona go back to the lost and always guessing days. I hate this feeling, the feeling where i'm happy but sad b/c i know this happiness is only gona last a few more days. I Dont Wanna Be Lost Again! And i know thats just around the corner, i know the lonly feeling is going to come back in a matter of time, I hate that! What i hate the most is i cant change it, i just have to watch as it all plays out..................


!I Dont Wanna Be Lost Again!


December 29 2007

1. Is there someone you wanna date right now?
i dont know how to answer that

2. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?
I just stopped. And i thought of him more as a friend then anything else


3. Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?
it goes both ways i think

4. What is your name?
I think you should know this one but i'll answer it anyway
Stephanie Grace Bradley


5. Name a quote from the song you are listening to:
"Can I Sing About My Maker And Not Have You Roll Your Eyes"

6. What are you doing right now?

7. Do you miss your ex girlfriend/boyfriend?
i've never had an "ex" before

8. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?


11. What was the reason you last cried?
i was pissed and couldn't take it anymore

12. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?
SUN yes i can ride today :)


13. Is there a meaning behind your profile song?
It makes me happy

14. Do you have a best friend?


(where is 15???)


16. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?

17. What do you think of people who don't have sex before marriage?

18. Do you own a pair of green pants?
lol no

19. Are you more independent or dependent?
i dont know

20. Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
ha do you know my mom! haha

21. Do you believe that what comes around goes around?

22. What is your favorite fruit?
i pretty much like all


25. What is the most important thing in any relationship?
love & Trust

26. What is the last song to make you cry?
uhmm there was one..lol

27. Does anyone love you?


28. Do you love someone?


29. Are your best friends pretty?
sure why not

30. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
yes many times

32. Whats the one thing thats getting you through this week?

33. Who do you miss?
No one really

34. Do you give out second chances too easily?


35. Where was your last car ride to and from?

36. Where is one place you want to visit?
.....i have not a clue....

39. Ever felt that no one relates to you?
pretty much yeah


40. Had plans and broke them?
yeah :( i hate when that happens

41. Done anything illegal?
i'm happy to say no i haven't :) lol

43. Are you a vegetarian?

44. Are you a tease?
how would i know.. lol


45. Who are you jealous of?
no one really


46. Are you a lover or hater?

47. Do you think your ex's new love is a player/slut?
again i say i dont have an "ex"

49. What/who can always make you laugh?
Tyler, Carmen, Seth, Charlie, Scooter, Lilly 
50. Who's your top 12 on myspace?





Is Online




$ ( 0++

rachel [ i♥hnd]

Is Online




December 28 2007

Mood: Trying to find something to be happy about

Hey guys. Today has been....okay. Right now i'm kinda peeved,tired,lost,hurt,and there is a little happiness in there :). Its all good. Tomorrow i get to ride so i'm hyped about that and i'm gona go to the movies so thats fun! I haven't been sleeping very well. The past few nights i have been falling asleep at 2ish AM and waking up at 7:30...no fun!Well i'm quite bored at the moment so message me or something!!!!!!!!!!


December 28 2007
i love this song! Thank You Carmen Pooch E.A for helping me with finding it :)

Its True

December 27 2007











December 26 2007

So Christmas was good...different but good. I gots lots of amaZing stuff and got to hang with my family all day, so that was all good. I dont know just a lot of stuff has changed and people have changed. I guess i'm trying to say its not the Christmas i used to know, way back when Christmas was fun and a joyful time. I dont this year it felt just like any other day involving a lot of presetns. Yeah i thought about Jesus and it being his day, but i used to do that AND have an amaZing day with family. I dont really know what i'm trying to say here...i suppose i'm trying to figure it out.

Well today i'm not feeling to hot, i couldn't fall alseep till 2:10 AM! and woke up at 7:45.....so i'm tired and just kinda feel down. But i'm sure i'll be smiling in a few short moments!
Talk to you guys later


December 24 2007
Can you answer 51 questions about the 1st person on your top friends list?

Don’t change your top friend.

1) What’s their name? Seth

2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? lol thats a funny story!

3) Do you get along with this person all the time? i wouldn't say 'all the time' but most of the time yeah

4) How old is the person? Seventeen.

5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? i dont remember

6) Is this person older than you? By 3 years

7) Have you ever kissed this person? i would sure hope not!!!!

9) Are you related to this person? Yes

10) Are you really close to him/her? i suppose so.

11) Nickname? SunShine

13) How many times do you talk to this person in a week? i talk to him every day so quite a few times

14) Do you think they will repost this? nope

15) Could you live with this person? I do

16) Why is this person your number 1? I have not a clue, i suppose it has to do with him being my older brother and i think he is pretty cool

18) How long have you known this person?? 14 years

19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Yeah

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? lol no

21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person? When he goes to college i will miss him

23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person?
Wow us? I'm shocked you would even ask. ;)

24) Do you know everything about this person? Well everything is a very strong word. I know what he wants me to know

25) Would you date this person’s siblings? that would be a no

26) Have you ever made something with this person? i'm sure

29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person? that would be the weirdest thing ever. and again i say thats a big no

31) Is your #1 on drugs? lol no

33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes? sometimes i take his jacket but thats about it.

34) Have you and your #1 person made up a hand shake? no.

35) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person? That is strange. I worry about the person who wrote these questions. lol.

36) Have you ever heard this person sing? haha yes

38) Do you and this person have a saying? not really

39) Do you know this persons myspace password? yeah..i think..but he told me so its not like i took it or something.

41) Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 months? Nope.

44.) Have you and this person gone clubbing? Nope.

45) Do you know how to make this person happy? its Seth we are talking about here..there is only a few things that make him happy and i'm pretty sure i'm not in any of those few :P lol

46) Do you and this person talk alot? i suppose

47) Do you like this person? Yeah he is pretty cool...at times

48) Has this person yelled at you? yes

49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight? i hit him at times but we never really "fight"

50) Do you want to go out with this person? No.

51) Do you want to be friends with them forever? his family so i kinda have to :P

randomness again :)

December 22 2007

1.What are 3 emotions you are feeling right now?
Happiness, Joy, Loved

2. What time did you wake up this morning?
8ish :(

3. How many hours of sleep did you get?
I have not a clue

4. What are you currently doing?
this Survey, and thinking about someone amaZing ;)

5. Have you kissed someone within the past week?

6.Have you told anyone you loved them today?

7. Have you ever been in love?

8. Do you like anybody?
That would be a "Yes"

9. Do you miss anybody?
well no b/c he is here in Dickerson, but when he leaves again then yes i WILL miss someone

10. Do you have plans for tomorrow?

11. What is the last thing you ate?
... lol i have no idea..i haven't had anything to eat today

12. Is there a member of the opposite sex in your life who means the world to you?

13. What are you listening to right now?
"With You"

14. Are you a generally clean or messy person?

15.Have you kissed 3 people on your top ?

16.Have you ever liked anyone on your top ?

17. Would you currently start a thing with your top ?


19. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
They can be.

20. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
my brother being a pain! (shawn)

21. Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
heck yes

22. Are you going to be alone tonight?
family... so no

23. When is the last time you saw a movie in theaters?
Tonight "P.S i love you"

26. Is there something you wish you could tell someone, but can’t?
not really

27. What're you doing tonight?


28. What is one thing you can't wait for?
to hang out with tyler again

29. How has the week been?
amaZingly fantastic

30. Do you have a best friend?

Its True

December 21 2007










(You being the person





reading this oh so true post)



December 20 2007

1. My bed
2. My clothes

3. Books.
4. Phone Charger.
5. TV
6. A Mess of things all over the floor

7. All my sisters stuff

1. Do you like anyone? Yeah
2. Does someone like you? Not sure

3. Last kiss? Never
4. Been lead on? nope

5. Been cheated on? not that i know of
6. Want a relationship? i wish

7. Wanna get married? Eventually.

1. God.
2. Family.
3. Friends.
4. Horses

5. Internet.
6. Water.
7. Food.

1. Life
2. This quize

3. Tomorrow

4. Food
5. How tired i am from watching 8 kids
6. Where all my family might be at the moment

7. God

1. Believe in God? Yes.
2. Had a dream come true? Not yet
3. Read the newspaper? sometimes..matters how bored i am :)
4. Get enough sleep everyday? No
5. Have a best friend? yeah

6. Take a shower daily? Yes

7. Wish on stars? For the fun of it yes

1. Fallen in love? Yeah i have

2. Kissed someone of the same sex? No, that would be nasty
3. Hooked up with someone who had a gf/bf? No.
4. Been to a Bonfire? Yeah, a bunch
5. Ran away from home? Nope.
6. Snuck out of the house? No.
7. Pulled an all nighter? Yeah.

1. Cried? Nope.
2. Had fun? Yeah.
3. Been kissed? Nope.
4. Felt stupid? yes
5. Talked to an ex? Nope.
6. Missed someone? Yeah
7. Listened to music? That is like asking if I breath air. Yes.


December 19 2007

Hey my people. Whats up with you guys (and girls)

   Well the past week or so i have been SO happy, kinda craZy but i'm loving it! Yeah i have had my downs but manily up is where i've been headed. I think the trip to Memphis really helped me see where i was in life. I have way more then the little kids that came through there but in a way i have less then them. Yeah i know that makes little to no since but let me explain.

   Those kids might not have had a nice home, food every night, a bed to sleep in, toys to play with, or someone to love them. And i dont even know the half of their story, but even through the pain, loss, hurt, and lack of love they had smiles on their faces. They looked happy and some of them found Christ that night. (i'm not sure the exact number) They just needed someone to show them the light and they ran for it. And i know some of those kids where just there for the presents and could care less for the play, or Christ or the hugs we gave out.
   I dont know, i'm sure i sound craZy but those kids made me see how much i have and how much i dont have. I keep my eyes on the bad, my losses, and my lack of winning that i never really relized that i have a family, a house, i get to eat 3 times a day, I have friends and a car to get from point A to point B.

   I guess i'm trying to say, i found the TRUE meaning of happiness in the little faces of the kids that came through there.


December 18 2007

Its True

December 17 2007


! ! ! ! !










All i got is smiles!

December 16 2007
So we got back from Memphis Today! it was THE best trip i have ever gone on!!! It was.....AMAZING! lol i have never been so happy and felt like i was doing what God wanted me to do. We brought so many smiles and shared the love of Christ and thats THE BEST thing to do!!!!! Giving out the presents was fantastic, the kids were so cute and just wanted someone to love them. And that we did!!! Yeah so if you want to know more just message me.


December 11 2007












Quote " "

December 07 2007

"Maybe I'll win, maybe i won't come out alive. But God didn't tell me i'd come out alive; He just told me to stay and fight."

--- From the book This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti



December 07 2007

Okay so i'm kinda going craZy here. I'm not going to use names but i'm gona give you the gist of whats going on and ask you guys what in the world i should do. Ok so i'm losing someone i care about. I know I know this sounds like another one of those sad posts about losing everything BUT ITS NOT. I'm just kinda scared for this person (lets call this person Jill) Anyway so i'm scared for "Jill". I have not a clue whats going on with "Jill" and "Jill" usally tells me everything. I'm trying not to be nosy but i would kinda like to know whats going on. I guess i should step back and let them come to me if they WANT to...but i'm scared :(
What should i do?????


December 05 2007

1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6. That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.

8. Whatever: Is a women's way of saying screw you!

9. Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.

35% shy

November 26 2007

[x] You don't like public speaking.
[] You find it hard to talk to strangers.
[] You don't like to look people in the eye.
[] being introduced to new people makes you nervous.
[] you hate to go shopping alone.


[] When you're in a group of people, its difficult to think of what to say.
[] You have trouble talking to the opposite gender.
[] You hate to be teased.
[] You hate answering the door.


[x] You don't like to ask people for help.
[x] You can't stand people watching you.
[] One on one conversations make you nervous.
[x] You hate to read out loud....
[x] You don't like answering questions.


[] You dread ordering food at restaurants.
[] You are uncomfortable at parties, unless you know everyone well...
[] You don't like to talk, because you're afraid of being embarrassed by what you say.
[] You wish you were more outgoing.
[] You hate being in the center of any room.


[] You don't know how to react to compliments.
[x] You prefer reading, writing, or listening to music than being around too many people.
[] You blush easily.
[x] you don't like singing in front of a lot of people


Multiply it by 5

Repost with the title
im __% shy


 Its another one :P



1. Have you had any relationships this year? Yeah i suppose you would say that 

2. Have you had your birthday yet? Yes

3. Cried yet?Yeah

4. Been on a diet? Have you met me..lol that would be a BIG NO!

5. Pulled an all nighter? i like my sleep :)

6. Drank Starbucks? Nope

7. Went Camping? YES

8. Bought something(s)? Probably but i dont know what

9. Met someone special? Sure

10. Been out of state? Yeah

12. What are you thinking about? a lot of stuff
1.) Hugged someone? Yeah

2.) Slept in someone elses bed? no but i slept on someone elses couch.

3.) Got a job? nope

4.) Loaned out money? yeah not much though

5.) Gotten in a car accident? no thank goodness

6.) Gone over your mobile phone bill? no

7.) Been called a slut? haha not that i know of

8.) Done something you regret? no

Last Person you hugged? Sarah

Last Person to call you? My mom

When was the last time you felt stupid? That would be EVERY day :P

Who did you last yell at? i think it was Sam

What did you do today? went shopping with my sister and the Twins (they are so cute) :P

01. Name? GRACE

02. Natural hair color? Brown

03. Initials? SGB

04. Hair style? ... uhmmm i dont know :P

05. Eye color? blueish - greenish

06.Height? i dont know... lol but short :)

07. Pets? 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 horse

08. Mood? Tired

09. Where would you rather be?
... uhmm hanging out with friends would be nice :)

10. What was the last thing you drank? COFFEE



01. Have you ever been in love?

02. Do you believe in love? yes

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail? not so much fail

04. Have you ever been heartbroken? Yes many times

05. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Not quite sure...i dont think so

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? No

07. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? yeah

08. Are you afraid of commitment? nope, although i hardly ever get them :P lol

10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?

01. Are you missing someone right now? yes

02. Are you happy? yeah

03. Are you eating anything? nope

04. Do you like someone right now? i'm trying just to get through life at the moment...adding a guy isn't going to help me all that much.