
July 07 2005
So it seems that Jenna may hold the key to my perfect birthday present... Her birthday was fun. Us cool people didn't end up leaving the bowling alley until like midnight. I didn't do so good but it was all fun so oh well. Now I am extremely tired so I'm going to bed because I have to go to work at 11. Night everyone!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 07 2005
Well, you still beat me that second game, lol

Anna Miller

July 07 2005
wooo, tonight was fun!


July 08 2005
tonight was so much fun!! i didn't fall asleep while driving!! i'm listen well don't i? hehe heh after i dropped stephanie off, dustin and i went to ihop and saw some very interesting people, i'll have to tell you later....have a nice time at work, ttyl


July 08 2005
hmm....yes I do hold the key to the perfect bday present....hehe

Sarah Vermillion

July 08 2005
Woooooot! Bowling till midnight? Rock on.

Sarah Vermillion

July 08 2005
Hah, the sad thing about what Brian said is that he's probably right.