A Short Vent: Don't Take Too Seriously... Only Somewhat...

April 13 2006


Stupid Women's Rights Movement.

I'm Filling It Out...

April 11 2006

This is THE FORM of my college career. This is what will make me an official part of the EMC program by spring 07, Lord willing. If not, I'm dropping school. Nah, it won't be a problem, unless I unexpectedly flunk all my classes this semester.

So I'm registered for next semester. There is a possibility of it changing, but currently I am enrolled to take Sociology and Tennessee History Honors on MWF and Sight, Sound, and Motion and Early American Literature on TR. Yeah, I suppose it's time for me to start my minor. I'm also going to take Orientation to Art during summer school. I think I can live with that for a month. With this schedule, I would only have one gen. ed class left to take next spring. Yay.


April 08 2006
Just pray that I won't feel be overwhelmed by the end of the semester. I really want to do better in most of my classes, classes that I was easily doing well until recently, when suddenly I suffer from one low grade.

I gave it all up to God last night, but I know once is not enough. This is going to continue to be a struggle for me until the semester ends.

My new tenative schedule for the fall is the same as before, minus the English class (the one I wanted is filled), plus Astronomy Honors.

I found out from my advisor that I should apply for canidacy as soon as I register so I can have priority. It's going to feel really awesome to fill out that form. Then sometime next semester I'm supposed to meet with my minor advisor. I never imagined everything would move this quickly.

Random, But...

April 04 2006
I would love to go back to New York and experience something like Paint the Town again. I really hope God springs something up on me for this summer, because it's currently not looking like much.

So registration for the fall began yesterday. I'm trying really hard to not be concerned about the fact that some idiotic seniors have already stolen eight flippin' spots (out of 73) for the one (because the other one was cancelled) Sight, Sound, and Motion class avaliable next semester, which I need to take in order to apply for canidacy.

My current tenative schedule is the forementioned course, Intro to Literary Studies, Sociology, and Tennessee History Honors. By the way, I would be in Peck Hall for three straight hours on MWF. Fun.

But I digress..

McAlister's on Friday... at 6 I think. Check Garrett's Phusebox. All the cool kids will be there.


April 03 2006
Here's a photo taken with my camera phone:

I'll try to find something more interesting to take a picture of in the near future. Not that Nathan with his mouth open isn't exciting, but...

So sorry I've been slacking with blogging. I guess I feel like my life is genuinely unexciting these days. I have to keep reminding myself that there is a reason for everything, and that God is always working through me and in my life, even if I do not see it. I got a 96 on my speech today on why MTSU should ban on campus smoking. I really think I might do my next one on the seperation of church and state. Partly because I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it.

I mean, I would love for prayer to be in schools, and I think if it is, then everyone of every religion should have the right to pray. So this kinda brings me to my next point, which is that the whole issue is a really complicated one. I think a student should have the right to pray in school, but I don't necessarily know if I believe in a vocalized prayer time, because then we would have to acknowledge every god of every religion and that's a bit much. So anyhow, it'll be a thought-provoking topic for sure. It'll give me a whole lot to think about...

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...

March 29 2006
* I wish I knew how to witness to Mormons effectively.

* I wish I knew everything about history so I didn't have to study for tomorrow's test.

* I wish I could just go out and make a movie.

* I wish school was out.

* I wish I could keep hanging out with people from school even when school is out.

* I wish I had more time, and that I knew how to use it effieciently.

* I wish I wasn't so judgemental and critical of people.

* I wish I would just completely devote myself to Christ and not worry.

* I wish I had more options, or better options, for my classes next semester.

* I wish I had some answers.

* I wish people would understand me.

* I wish I did not have two tests, a project, and a speech on Monday.

What do you wish for?

Sadness :(

March 25 2006
Jeff Bagwell, an Astro for fifteen years, may not be able to play anymore. He's going to start off the season on the DL and then talk to his doctor about the whole thing. When he goes, it will be a sad day... :(

You should definitely Google the three new Volkswagen commercials "Umpimp Your Ride". They're hillarious!

Muy Excellente

March 22 2006
It has been a fabulous day, I must say! Things are looking pretty good in Amy's world, and God has definitely been answering some prayers...

I think I totally aced my pysch test, despite what little study time I had.

The show last night was great. It helped me realize that TV is not so bad after all if you can get in something that isn't corrupted, and live TV can actually be kind of cool. It's like in one night, a whole new possibility of careers opened up to me as I realized that I could produce a show like that if that's what I needed to do to start out. And yes, I would produce. When I was younger I dreamed of directing, but now I am in love with the idea of producing. And I really plan to get involved with MTSU's channel in the future. My friend Jolene and I want to take over it actually, and have like Anna and another friend of mine help us revolutionize the station to have shows that people, especially MTSU students, will actually want to watch.

Speech class was cancelled. Awesome beyond words.

And I'm starting to enjoy my EMC class, and the people in it.

Life is good for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, yet I am convinced that God is still actively working, despite my doubts at times that maybe He has no plans for me, because He most certianly does, so Satan can take that and eat it. And that was totally a William Faulkner sentence. Actually it wasn't long enough...

They're Gonna Make a Big Star Out of Me...

March 21 2006

Alright Boro folks, tonight @ 8:00 sharp on MTSU's channel you'll find the ever exciting program Closeup with Dr. McPhee, where he'll answer your rousing questions about MTSU's many problems. Seriously though, at least catch some of the show, preferably the last five minutes so that you can see my name listed in the credits as a production assistant.

And if you're out of town and far away, in some place like Texas or New York, you can catch it online, but I don't know the web address. I'm sure it's Googleable.

Today's gonna be one long day...


March 18 2006
Would anyone be interested in seeing Pirates on the Penzance at Riverdale? I feel like I owe it to my old buddies, especially since I missed the play from last semester. If you're interested, leave me a remark, and I'll send you a message or make another post about meeting, or you can call me. Or if it's too short of notice, maybe a group of us can plan for next weekend...

My Life Part 2

March 16 2006
Last night I went to the youth service at church to help lead the seventh grade girls in the discussion questions. The questions were about times in our lives when God blessed us because we let go and trusted Him. It made me think back...

To my first major mission trip in the 8th grade. I went to El Paso and Mexico, and it was great to see how God moved despite the youth of everyone on the trip.

Freshman year proved to be not such a great year at school, but a great year at church. That Spring Break I had an incredible opprotunity to go to England on a mission trip. I really lived in a Christian bubble between Christian school and church, and I really think it was the first time I was really challenged to look back at the basics of faith and share them with someone. That summer I also had the chance to go to a conference in Orlando and bond with some awesome people.

I remember summer camp the summer after sophomore year. I met so many awesome new friends, and I knew I was going to have to leave them behind...

But it was ok because I was moving on to the next phase in my life, which I've already talked about. But you know, there were a lot of things I wouldn't have been able to do if I had moved here sooner.

You've gotta love God's timing. And I'm excited to see where He's taking me in the future.

Until then, I am anxiously awaiting the summer, feel pretty unsure about what classes I should sign up for next semester, and haven't really been feeling like myself the past couple of days. Satan's mean, but I know I've established that many times before.

Well, I ought to study or something...

My Life

March 12 2006
So, Spring Break is over... sadness. I wish it would come back. And stay. Forever.

So, I don't think about high school much these days, but I have been thinking back these past couple of days. And sometimes it's easy to play the "what if" game. What if this happened instead, or I had done something else? Would life would have been better or worse? Would I be a different person? It's kind of hard to believe that such seemingly small and insignificant things could make such a big difference, but maybe they really do. In fact, I believe they do.

But, I don't think I made any major mistakes. There are a couple of things I do look back on and wish I had done them differently, yet I think God really had it all under control (what a suprise, right?)

First off, I had no control over when I moved. I have many times wished I moved to TN before my freshman year instead of my junior year, but obviously that was not God's timing. I can't help but think about the friends I could have made sooner, and I think about how involved I could have gotten involved in school and really find my niche before my senior year. I also think about how I could have taken A.P. English classes for four years, and A.P. American History...

And sometimes I wonder, why did I take standard classes my junior year? I really had no idea what the difference between honors and non-honors was at Riverdale. I came from a podunk private school in Texas. But I had an incredible chance talking with a guy named Charr in my English class junior year, and the next year I was still able to take A.P. English. That was a God thing, totally.

There are other things I think about too, but I won't go on any more. I guess the whole point of this entry was to help me sort through my thoughts. I was just talking to some good friends just an hour ago, and one of them was talking about what a struggle it can be for her to do all the small things God asks her to do without knowing what the big picture is, and I think I really have a hard time with that at times as well. Another friend was talking about how she struggles with trusting God, but as He has reminded her, He has given her all the blessings in her life. And that's so true. God always involved in our lives.

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

March 10 2006
I concur with Beka, Pride and Prejudice is AMAZING!!! I saw it last night and wow... it is just about the best love story ever! Great stuff! Rent it, or better yet, BUY IT, today!

In other news, Starbucks' straberries and cream frappucino in a bottle (as opposed to getting the real deal at Starbucks) tastes like medicene. SERIOUSLY. Don't get it... unless you like the taste of medicene!

Pride and Prejudice quote:
"If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me
so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word
from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have
changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul,
and I love... I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you
from this day on." -Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet


March 08 2006
WARNING: Lots of pictures!

Anna and I took a little trip downtown, and we noticed that near the library, there are some rules:

But we didn't follow them very well...

And back at my place...

We're naughty girls...

A Survey Because I Lack Anything of Interest to Say...

March 07 2006
Two Names You Go By
1. Amy
2. Powers (I prefer my first name though)

Two things that scare you
2. Failure

And Brian (see below)

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. GOD's grace
2. Sleep

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Jeans
2. sweater

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. Jars of Clay
2. Bethany Dillon

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Eyes
2. Hands

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Writing
2. Photography

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. To never worry again
2. A party dress :)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. England (strictly for vacation)
2. New York (also strictly for vacation)

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Write and publish one fiction and one non-fiction book
2. Get married

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. My novel
2. My school projects

Two people you haven't talked to in a while
1. Old friends from Texas
2. My half sisiter

Two Favorite Sports
1. Ice skating
2. Soccer

Two things you did last night
1. Watched a movie
2. Talked to Garrett on the phone

Two shows you like to watch
1. The Cosby Show
2. What Not to Wear

Two places you like to go to:
1. AO
2. Cool Springs

Two Favorite Subjects In School:
1. English
2. Hopefully I will like my EMC classes soon... intro classes bite...

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Anything Mexican
2. Anything Italian

Two people that live in your house:
1. Mom
2. Dad

Two things you like about yourself (physical):
1. Eyes
2. Smile

Two things you ate today:
1. Strawberries
2. Dorito's

Two people you last talked to:
1. Mom
2. Shannon Henry (she cut my hair today)

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Hanging out with Anna
2. Working on a school project

Gah... Idiot!

March 05 2006
I'm exposing my mother to Napoleon Dynamite at the moment. Ha ha...

I'm so glad it's Spring Break! I really needed it!

It's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

February 28 2006
Would you be mine, would be you be mine, won't you be my neighbor?

I have so much going on through my head right now, and one of them should be getting offline promptly so I can study for my psych test... but yeah, if you just happen to think of me as you pray, I would appreciate it. I have a couple of decisions to make... more than a couple actually... a few...

What I Deserve

February 26 2006
I deserve ____________.

It's easy to fill in that blank with things we think we deserve. When Kevin Pounds was talking about it this morning at church, he was mentioning mostly material things. And I could see where he's coming from on that. I know I tend to think I deserve a husband, two kids, a pet, a nice house in the suburbs, and a nice car. But I also tend to think I deserve certain emotions and such from other people. Like love. Respect. Those sorts of things. I feel that other people should fill me up with these feelings. Yet really, why should they? Do I deserve that? Heck no; I really don't.

Though we deserve nothing, Christ came to free us from the bondages of Satan and sin and to grant us mercy and grace... things we do not deserve! He, perfect, sinless, God in human flesh, did not deserve to suffer on earth and to die for sinners. But He did. He gave us His rights. We don't even have any rights. We don't have life apart from Him. So why do we have such a hard time giving it all up? Why do we hold on so dearly for something that is not even ours? Because we are control freaks. If only we would realize that we really are not in control, and if we were what a mess life would be!

Have you ever talked to someone trying to control their own life? It's a life of pain and hardship, without any joy or growth. I don't want to live like that. I know that as a Christian I am called to suffer at times, but always for a purpose that will magnify God's glory. I can find joy in any situation, as hard as that may be.

I have to be willing to go wherever He takes me. My comfort zone is similar to Kevin's. I would love just to stay here, or if I was really blessed in the money department move to Franklin, have my perfect little family in our happy little house in a nice neighborhood and my kids could go to a good school and I'd probably keep going to Belle Aire and drive a nice Toyota and life would just be... normal.

God may call me to that life, but He may not. Sometimes I feel as if maybe He does want me to have a taste of that life, but maybe it won't stay that way. I really don't know. All I know is that I have to be open. I need to be willing to go to Turkey, New Jersey, anywhere... And that's hard. It's scary. But Michael Kelly told AO a couple of weeks ago that we have to take those risks. God will sometimes tell us to go beyond what is safe and comfortable.

I felt God speak to me Wednesday night at At All Cost about listening to Him and depending on Him when it came to where He leads me in the future. So I want to stay true to that. God has given me talents, stories, testimonies, and a heart for certain places, and I just can't help but wonder how it's all going to play out in my life. I'm just going to have to trust God and go along for the ride.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have see his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. -John 1:14

Those Darn Brownies...

February 24 2006
So, this afternoon I walked into Hasting's on a whim, with hopes of walking out of the store with a new CD.

Instead, I walked out with a box of Girl Scout cookies...

A Lesson in Pop Culture

February 21 2006
So today I learned about Paul Newman. I also learned that Ritchie Petrie (from the Dick Van Dyke Show)'s middle name is in fact ROSEBUD. It stands for seven different names.

And in news, Graham, Amy A., Anna, and I (then Garrett later came and joined in) had a conversation about what makes a bad word a bad word. It was interesting to say the least...

Congrats Bethany and Matt!