My Life

March 12 2006
So, Spring Break is over... sadness. I wish it would come back. And stay. Forever.

So, I don't think about high school much these days, but I have been thinking back these past couple of days. And sometimes it's easy to play the "what if" game. What if this happened instead, or I had done something else? Would life would have been better or worse? Would I be a different person? It's kind of hard to believe that such seemingly small and insignificant things could make such a big difference, but maybe they really do. In fact, I believe they do.

But, I don't think I made any major mistakes. There are a couple of things I do look back on and wish I had done them differently, yet I think God really had it all under control (what a suprise, right?)

First off, I had no control over when I moved. I have many times wished I moved to TN before my freshman year instead of my junior year, but obviously that was not God's timing. I can't help but think about the friends I could have made sooner, and I think about how involved I could have gotten involved in school and really find my niche before my senior year. I also think about how I could have taken A.P. English classes for four years, and A.P. American History...

And sometimes I wonder, why did I take standard classes my junior year? I really had no idea what the difference between honors and non-honors was at Riverdale. I came from a podunk private school in Texas. But I had an incredible chance talking with a guy named Charr in my English class junior year, and the next year I was still able to take A.P. English. That was a God thing, totally.

There are other things I think about too, but I won't go on any more. I guess the whole point of this entry was to help me sort through my thoughts. I was just talking to some good friends just an hour ago, and one of them was talking about what a struggle it can be for her to do all the small things God asks her to do without knowing what the big picture is, and I think I really have a hard time with that at times as well. Another friend was talking about how she struggles with trusting God, but as He has reminded her, He has given her all the blessings in her life. And that's so true. God always involved in our lives.

Anna Miller

March 12 2006
Lol, I still wouldn't have known you until junior year if you went to Riverdale your freshman year.


March 12 2006
6 more weeks till summer. And then you get 3 months?!? Does that make going back any better? </p> I think all of us think about what if we would have done that. Or this. I now. But the thing is right now, we have to be happy where we are. Not sure what I'm saying. Hope you are comprehending.<?p> Honors classes really are better. Slackers take the standard. Lol. In high school atleast. Different in college.


March 13 2006
go TX! >.> I mean...


March 14 2006
GO RIVERDALE! yeah, i think back on i i coul have done things better a lot too. Then again. it always messes me up because i end up having too many regrets and i beat myself up for it...oh well :)