It WILL Get Better...

August 29 2005
Frustration upon frustration upon frustration...

Yeah... what a way to start college.

I don't even know why I got so frustrated. It was stupid stuff. If I snapped at you in even the slighest bit, I am so sorry. It was so nice to see so many familar faces today. Without y'all, I would have been so completely and utterly lost.

Tomorrow will be better because all my classes are honors, which means 1.) I'm actually interested in them, 2.) they're so much smaller, 3.) the students will be more serious, and 4.) Garrett's in two of them with me.

My geology class seems alright, as long as I get there in time for a seat, but my math class has a few loonies, and my teacher is a psychotic Russian. Actually, I'm not really sure if he's psycho, because I only found one MTSU review on his class, but that's what the rumor is. I'm thinking I might try to see if I can switch out, but if I can't, I don't think it'll be the end of the world.

It's not the end of the world/ It's just another day/ Depending on grace...

Yeah... it'll get better. God is good... all the time!

Ashley Orman

August 29 2005
awww amy, i felt so bad today cuz i couldnt find u, then adam was in a hurry to eat. i hope ur week shapes up! i love you amy powers! *hug*


August 29 2005
aww, I'm sorry. I understand completely. Even though I'm at a christian college I still had a few dissappointments at first, but I've grown to enjoy the college life and you will too. And trust me, it does get better. I mean once you get used to your schedule and everything else things will settle in and you'll love it. Just give it some time. I love you Amy Powers! I'm praying for you that things will start looking up


August 29 2005
first off.. i have not taken one single honors class.. and most of my classes have been no SMALLER than 30! Thats not bad at all. You really haven't meet your math teacher, you have Graham and Garretts impression on who they think it is! IT WILL GET BETTER! This is just the first day!


August 29 2005
Don't drop math-1010

Anna Miller

August 29 2005
Don't be to quick to judge the non honors classes-- with the exception of UMM, mine have under 30 students in them. I don't want to sound harsh, but if you keep the mindset that only your honors classes are more interesting, you're going to have an extremely hard time enjoying yourself MWF. If other students aren't serious, then be a leader. Don't pay attention to what they say or do. Just worry about yourself. And I think we've all got a physcho teacher this year.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 29 2005
Amy meant no LARGER than 30. Other than that, I agree with the others. :-)

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 30 2005
Yeah, MTSU wouldnt close for a tornado that touched down in the middle of Peck Hall.