Christians in Hollywood

August 21 2005
So this evening on CNN they did a special on "Hollywood and Religion". It seems I missed the bit they did on Mel Gibson, but I saw Kirk Cameron (actor: Growing Pains, Left Behind) and Ralph Winter (producer: X-Men). They both seem very solid, and it is so awesome to see that in Hollywood. It's very refreshing to know that there are Christians in Hollywood surviving and thriving and making God known.

I'm so glad that AO is splitting up into different Sunday school classes... maybe this will make it more personal and less overwhelming, especially for the new students coming in. I'm definitely interested in the world religions class.

So, is it just me or is Phusebox slowing down? Is it because school is back, or does everyone else just have more of a life than I do? I just haven't received as many comments, and I'm noticing the same with the other daily users, and those seem to be decreasing as well.

That's about all I have to say here... I'm going to post an old journal entry about Bruce on my other Phusebox so check it out! I've decided to use it for old journal entries I want to share and devotions. I hope everyone has a marvelous day! I'm a working woman tomorrow! Whoo hoo!

Becky A.

August 21 2005
I agree that Phusebox is slowing down. When I'm bored, everyone is busy. It's not fair! lol Oh well. I think it's because of school. It is always cool to hear about Christians in Hollywood.

Garrett Haynes

August 21 2005
That is cool to see that there are some good christians in hollywood. I was getting so sick of Jessica Simpson and her "Hollywood Christianity" and the way she claims to be a christian but every shot of her on TV is nothing but cleavage.

Anna Miller

August 21 2005
Odd that you wrote about Hollywood and Religion. . . I was just thinking somethiing along those same lines. Thinking about doing something, that is. . .


August 21 2005
yea, it seems like it is slowing down.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 21 2005
Well, the split up classes will all probably be about the same size as the class is right now.

Mary Lauren

August 21 2005
aww thanks for the comment on my photos amy! i love taking pictures! have a great week! Let God rock it! +ML+


August 21 2005
i definetly feel it slowing down. not as many comments as usual, and not as many updates either...


August 22 2005
I leave a comment! =D

Elisabeth Barber

August 22 2005
Aww thank you sweetheart! Great seeing you today! I miss you!