Have You Ever?

August 18 2005

He was trying to speak to me, I just know it!

Have you ever been in a room with someone that was talking to a group of people, and though they're speaking English, you feel like they're actually speaking another language entirely, because what they are talking about is so foreign to you? You understand a few of their "foreign" words, like you may pick up bits and pieces of a Spanish conversation, but you're still not entirely sure what's going on? Yeah, I experienced that with the InDesign workshop today (the one that was supposed to happen on Monday).

And then, have you ever...

Been so emotionally attacked by Satan out of the blue and it just made you wonder, "where did that come from?" Have you ever just had a day where the smallest things just triggered you to tears? And yet you know that all that matters is God and what He wants, but that doesn't change your emotions? That happened yesterday, at least twice.

Have you ever...

Just felt so stuck, like nothing is moving forward, yet knowing that in just a week and a half, your whole life is going to change?



August 18 2005
i was sooo emotionally attacked by Satan on Tuesday that it did trigger me to tears...many times...and while i don't like days like that...it brought me back to the throne of grace once again...and i knew it was all for His purpose and glory!


August 18 2005
and the stuck part...i'm right there with ya...

Anna Miller

August 18 2005
i HATE emotinal attacks from satan. . and us being girls, they're about 1,000 times worse!

Rachael Moore

August 18 2005
oh yes, the last two, i fully understand. i hate emotional attacks from satan with a passion! ugh. he just attacked actually, so yeah i totally know what you are talking about. i am praying for you. and everything will be okay! love you!

Ashley Orman

August 18 2005
yeah i know what you mean about not understanding people talking sometimes, i feel that way all the time in my own house. parents talk business constantly, feel like i live in china or somethin lol, but i'll be praying for you! mucho luvies!


August 18 2005
hey i totally know what you're talking about. it gets so crazy (the attacks) from Satan when you're in high school, and i can only imagine it's worse in college.... hey i was wondering how did you bold those words?