Anna's New Looks

August 07 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

Seriously though...

God called me out this morning. I had a negative attitude about Sunday School (again). God spoke to me through the worship time as I prayed for a change of heart. It doesn't matter whether or not I like the music or the teaching or anything else, what matters is my heart. Is my heart in the right place? Am I there to worship God? Obviously I was not. But when God revealed that to me, it was a good class. I really enjoyed the teaching this morning... well as much as you can enjoy God totally calling you out...

Because I judge entirely too much. In James 4 we are instructed not to slander others. As a girl, I tend to gossip. As a human being, I tend to judge. As a Christian, I should be striving to overcome both. And just when I thought I was doing better... I realized I wasn't.

I'm sorry I've judged you. That's right, YOU. If you are reading this, if you know me, if you've spoken to me, if I've ever looked at you, I've judged you. Yes, it is human nature. And I'm sorry.

So Sunday School actually went well, and service was fine, and then during the ministry fair I couldn't find Mom, and I was hungry, and I just wanted to go away. And between some different conversations I realized that I really do not know where I am supposed to be heading.

The "something" I mentioned before NY was youth ministry. I talked to Chris today... and I'm definitely going to be doing something with youth. As of now, it doesn't look like a whole lot, but I'm going to keep praying about it. And then there's this new drama ministry... or revived drama ministry... and there's also the youth drama team I said I would help with but now... I don't know... I need prayer. Pray that God guides me.

That's the story of my life right now. And always really. God guiding me through everything: what kind of car to buy, what to do in college, what to do in church, my everyday choices in life...

I hope you know... I love you all.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

August 07 2005
The only person I trust to say that I'm doing better in my walk with God is God Himself. One of the things that I really admire about you is that you don't deceive yourself about anything. You're an incredibly strong person in your faith. I think that it's people like you that God finds easy to talk to.

Anna Miller

August 07 2005
Wow, a picture show of me, lol. I'll probably talk to you later about my post.

Ashley Orman

August 07 2005
hey, if u ever need help with the youth drama if u ever need me ok! and im always here to talk, i love u amy powers please know that u have always been an inspiration to me with ur relationship with God. i love u! dont ever change ok!


August 08 2005
God will reveal to you exactly what He wants you to do about all of it at the perfect moment! Just give it to Him and don't worry...b/c like Charles said yesterday, He's still in charge whether you worry or not. :o) love ya girl! :o) and i'm happy to hear that u did enjoy AO Sunday School! just keep an open heart & mind!


August 08 2005
lol that picture of Anna's great! :) and wow, youth ministry! I could definitely see you doing something like everyone else has said, God will reveal what He wants you to do about everything in His own good timing. You have a good heart and if this is something He really wants you to do, it'll happen! don't worry, God has your best interests at mind about it all