Movies, Shoes, Swimming, Cars, Laundry, and College

August 06 2005
Go to Garrett's tonight at 7 for a movie night! You know you want to!

I bought Reeboks today... which I've never had before... I think I like them... ha ha... they're super white right now which is kinda scary... I think they'll look better when they've been dirtied up...

I really don't have anything to say. How sad. Garrett and I swam earlier today, but it wasn't very long before the thunder started rumbling... oh well...

Car update: Though we're pretty much looking at Toyotas, Mom spotted a blue 2001 Cheverlot Prizim... not a bad canidate...

The Snuggle bear is becomming more and more scary...

College is approaching... excitment building!


August 06 2005
I just got new tennis shoes too! o.o! They're really dark though. Lol. probably a good thing, seeing as most of my clothes are dark. =P That and they don't get as dirty easily. =)


August 06 2005
lol yeah the snuggle bear has become a little bit scary lately... and ooh the Chevy is a good choice :) Have a great day Amy!

Ashley Orman

August 06 2005
nice to know about the movie night after its already happened... yeah i'll phase right out of this group pretty soon... anyway hope 2 maybe see ya 2morrow, mucho luvies.

Anna Miller

August 06 2005
it was on garrett's site too


August 06 2005
College is going to be so amazing!! Yay. Oh, and yay to the car also. Yay:-) to just about everything.:-D