I Have Nothing to Say... So I Will Let the Bears do it For Me

July 19 2005
Putting together my new bulletin board…

photo from SingAHappySong

My new bulletin board… (If you’re looking at this and thinking “I am one of Amy’s best friends, where I am on this?" then you’re probably somewhere else in my room)

photo from SingAHappySong

Contemplating how the things I will need for NY will fit into a small suitcase…

photo from SingAHappySong

Thinking about college…

photo from SingAHappySong

Yahoo story says of Bush's Supreme Court Justice nominee... I thought it was funny...

"Abortion rights groups allege that Roberts, while deputy solicitor general during former Bush's administration, was hostile to women's reproductive freedom..."


July 19 2005
ooh I like your new bulletin board. very nice! and once again, the bears are just too adorable :) ahh, college... it'll be here before we know it.

Anna Miller

July 19 2005
i like the board too. i'm looking for boards in those colors, so i may have to track one ((or similar to it)) down.

Ashley Orman

July 19 2005
its not me that needs prayer, its other friends, though thank you powers! mucho luvies!

Elisabeth Barber

July 19 2005
thanks girl. i will. im sure it will be the best year of my life..

Bethany Bratcher

July 19 2005
I too find that quote funny. I like that you are interested in political/world stuff :)


July 20 2005
thank you


July 20 2005
birthday bear!!! lol