Live, Laugh, and Love

July 14 2005
Today was kinda rough... but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

First off, my trip down here went well. Everything went smoothly and we had a good evening and night in MS. Today, we visited my granddad in the hospital. There's some things you have to know about my granddad before I continue...

He was a Marine in WW2. He was a pastor. He used to take walks in the mall for exercise. He loves people and he loves to laugh and cut up. He's just a crazy character. I knew his memory was slipping some, but I didn't think it would ever be bad enough to be Althiemer's (sp?). Well, today the doctor says he thinks that Granddaddy has a moderate case of it.

He didn't do bad at all though. He was cutting up, laughing, and be goofy. He had some memory issues, like with names and stuff, and I think that he imagined me being younger, but he still did really well. He knew who we were, and he never seemed to be agitated or anything of that sort. It was a blessing. It was also draining, however.

While he was crazy as usual, he also got real emotional. He was like a man on his death bed, who kept telling us how much he loved us and was proud of us and how much we meant to him. And he looked right at me and told me to enjoy life. To always find joy, and to always love. He kept saying he was crying tears of happiness because of what a great life he has had.

What seemed weird to me though, was later (or maybe it was earlier) when Grandma talked about how he had been depressed... saying that he wasn't any good and all that. I don't understand how my Granddad could say that. He has lived a long and fulfilling life. There is this incredible war story involving my Granddad where he should have died, but he didn't. God had plans for him.

He was a pastor and helped a lot of people. He raised a family. He still brings joy and laughter into my life and the lives of others. Oh, and he's still madly in love with my Grandma. I don't know how many times he looked over at his 77 year old wife and commented how beautiful and special she was... and that just rocks. One of the deepest desires of my heart is to grow old with a man who is that crazy about me.

So it was a special time, but afterwards, for a couple hours, I was so out of it. But it was a blessing to hear his words of wisdom. He's such an awesome man of God. Even though he doesn't talk about God all the time, I can still see that in him. Oh, and a pastor from a local Baptist church came in shortly before we left and prayed with us, and that was awesome.

So my friends, let us live, and love, and laugh.

the brian king kenobi

July 14 2005
makes me miss my grandpa.

Ashley Orman

July 14 2005
i miss my amy powers lol come home soon!