The Terrorists Are Coming to Town...

July 10 2005
So, I was watching 60 Minutes with my Mamaw, and they were talking about how this random podunk town in TN is getting like $185,000 from the Homeland Security Department for them to use in their tatics against terrorists... in case they actually really want to come to the random podunk town they've never heard of. So it was great, because the host of 60 Minutes sat down with the mayor of Podunk Town (aka TiptonVille) and asked, "Really, do you think AlQueda is going to come to TiptonVille?"

The mayor opens his mouth, and out comes the most hick accent EVER!!! The mayor replies (and just imagine this being said by an old dude with a hick accent) "Well if I was AlQueda I would come to TiptonVille because nobody would expect it!"

Right... like AlQueda has actually head of TiptonVille before...

Anyhow, then on the way home, Dad and I listened to Laura Ingram on the radio, and she is way cool. She was talking about how "people from the left" say that Iraq isn't our concern, and that we should only be concerned with AlQueda. If Iraq wasn't important to AlQueda, however, then why would they bomb London, in hopes that the would withdraw troops from Iraq just as Spain did last year?

Hmmm.... I mean, really!

And then there was the caller who thought that the Bush administration failed to see to the terrorist threat in the US and that's 9-11 happened. And then Laura was like news flash! Terrorists blew up stuff during the Clinton administration and he did jack! Was Bush supposed to be able to clean up 8 years worth of damage in 9 months? I don't think so...

Anna Miller

July 10 2005
I'd never heard of Tiptonville-- the dude has a valid point to an extent... lol, nobody certainly would expect it. Watch, now something will happen there. That's pretty crazy though... I doubt most people from the middle east have heard of Murfreesboro...

Ashley Orman

July 10 2005
thas craziness, but its cool u have a mamaw, i have one 2! lol

Anna Miller

July 10 2005
i have a mema


July 10 2005
haha "If I were AlQueda I would go to Tiptonville because people wouldn't expect it" haha, great stuff Amy Powers!


July 10 2005
wow...haha...i love how u post stuff about what's goin on in the world b/c i probably need to pay more attention...yay so at least i hear some stuff when u write about it :o) but i definitely agree about the whole clinton/bush thing


July 10 2005
thank you for the prayers. things have been resolved. as best as they can be. more details later.

the brian king kenobi

July 11 2005