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Oakland High School


June 02 2006

I watched Sky High today. Really good movie. The DVD skipped a couple of times though.

I think I may be into this thing with Grace more than I realize. I mean, it's bad when you get really depressed when you look at all the storms going on, and think of some special person and almost cry because you may never see them again. Especially when it's someone you barely know barely talked to.

But anyways.The only thing holding me back is me.

And that's hard on a brotha to know.

So anyways, I'm taking the ACT next saturday, and I haven't reviewed or anything.


beth cooper

June 02 2006
yeah sky high is a good movie. ill be takin ACT's next week too!! good luck to u!!


June 02 2006
aw come on, you know you love my icons.

Ben Moser

June 03 2006
i never studied for it and made a 29 the first time.