

Relationship Status



Oakland High School


May 17 2006

Here is a picture of the Flowers I gave Grace.

Best plan I could think of. It worked out so well.

I walked up to the table where she and three other people were playing cards, gave her the roses, she said "Aww Thanks Danny!" and I said "You're Welcome" and I walked off.

No note. No card. No speech. But it had the best effect.

One of the girls said, "That is so sweet!" as I walked off and I proudly smiled.

Pretty sure she walked around for the rest of the day with the roses.

Mission: Impress Grace.

Mission Accomplished



May 17 2006
yeah, that's true. i mean dont be afraid to live. life is no fun if you dont take chances and you definitly will hurt and bleed, but it's more fun than if you let life pass you by because you were too afraid to let yourself get bruised along the way. i mean, based on my experiences this year don't ever become dependant on just one person because they could just up and leave at any time. i mean...ugh. how do i say this? ok...let's just say that this year for the first half of the year i didn't really talk to anyone 'cept this one person (names shall go unnamed) and i didn't really have as many friends as i had previous years b/c i was afraid of taking chances and trusting people. ok...i think that's what i'm trying to say. lol! well...i guess i'll just see you in school tomorrow. bye!


May 18 2006
danny, youre such a sweetheart. i hope she really appreciated them. im sure she did. & im very proud of you, that took mega guts. & hey im so with holly carpe diem!!

Sarah Vermillion

May 18 2006
You = so cool.

Edith Hogan

May 19 2006
aaww Danny you are so sweet and even though we didnt talk much at school we so will now have a wonderful day love ya Edith