Os Justi...

November 06 2005

me and Jackie went and saw Cross Stage Right: Die! at Blackman and it was pretty good. but before, when we were talking about what to do, we decided to call Richard to see if he wanted to hang out and we left this amazing message on his answering machine! >.< and we didn't leave our names so I wonder what he's gonna think. lol oh and *bum ba da dum!* if you go to Ayu's official site (www.avexnet.or.jp/ayu) there is a picture of her new single's cover and a preview of one of her new songs (Bold & Delicious). I am so excited about her new releases! >.< ya kno who I miss? Brady. He went to visit his brother in Knoxville this weekend... -_- but me and Jackie had fun yesterday! ^^

check this out: Raye I Will Survive (courtesy of Jackie and Ms. Paula ^^)


November 06 2005
hahahaha it's a turkey.