
November 01 2005

My highlights of today:

-getting a free waffle at Waffle House w/ Elissa this morning

-using my funny line in our percussion ensemble performance "I'm so stressed out! I think we're gonna do Cats in choir!!" lol

-my voice lesson w/ Donna Shaerron ^^ i love her!!!

-dancing and singing w/ my mom around the kitchen

"No matter what loneliness comes,
no matter what pain you feel,
you mustn't close your eyes to it.
Because even if you lose all your
words, even if you say it doesn't matter,
if you stumble
it will be there to help you up.
That's what kind of thing it is."

-Ayu (Surreal)


November 01 2005
Cats....o em gee. Backstage is gonna be very interesting this year. Ms. Sharon told me I look like Mandy moore. That was before i died my hair blonde. but yeah, she's a sweetie. welp, have a grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat rest of the week.<br>&hearts; Sarah

Maria Renee Rodriguez Jimon

November 01 2005
well iono them yet either i just kno that we are moving....