I finial am updating this!

August 12 2005
It's been awhile since i updated my phusebox! SORRY! I have been kinda busiy and have had nothing important to but down! Well, last sunday i had to say stuff about passport in church! I was so nervous but i did ok! Well i am pertty busiy with field hockey and gettin ready for school...now i have a few partys i am going to and yeah! I have been keepin in touch with my friends from passport who are the coolest ppl! Yeah ohh i never said thanks nat for listenin to mer that thursday! Well, once school starts and church starts up again i will have a hactive life including field hockey! Well summer was great and yeah!!

Nothing to do!

August 03 2005
Summer this year has been kinda boring. Well if u take passport out of the picture! I stay at home. ON-LINe and in my basement! With nothing to do! I need a life! So that is why 30% can't wait for school
i ♥'ed PASSPORT! I ♥UK


August 02 2005
Since i have been home, i think have been able to look at myself in at different light! Before i went to passport i thought i knew excaltly who i wanted to be! But when i got home, i looked at myself. I don't wanna b the skate shelby anymore cause it wasn't me! I losted myself through the passed year. And I am just starting to figure out who i really am! But now i think might have a idea of who i wanna be! But i don't think anyone will ever really know who they are. Exspeaical when there 13!!

Photo From LiveLageAndHard

August 01 2005

photo from LiveLageAndHard

Photo From LiveLageAndHard

August 01 2005
Passport was so much fun!! I had so much fun! I can't stop saying how much fun it was! I grew so much closer to my church group and other people there! I feel like i wasn't very close to my church. Now i feel like i can actually talk to them with out feeling small! It was great every night suomething cool happened!! Monday- Lot's of Liquid Tuesday-The dance(wer were crazy stuff) Wenseday- Funfest and thursday- TRLol(canceled cause of a storm) It was so much FUN, the theme was LOl meaning LIVE OUT LOUD! The people there were so nice. I meant so many great people. I learned to be more opened with people!
So i think being there helped me learn more about god and who i am as a person and my relationship with god!

photo from LiveLageAndHard