Hey y'all

March 24 2006
Pray for me please. My head is killing me, it's been a reasonably stressful week and isnt going anywhere but downhill.

Unpleasant and unhappy :-(

But hopeful, optimistic, and wishing for the best. Things always turn out okay.

Zach McCain

March 24 2006
I will pray.


March 25 2006
I'm sorry- feel better and things will get better. :)

Anna Miller

March 25 2006
No, you butthead, I will not pray for you. :) Kidding. I'll continue to pray. Love you big time, dude.

Anna Miller

April 16 2006
I don't think it's something that only the government ((not just the US, but other forms of governments from around the world)) can fix. I wish it was more known-- though, that is the purpose of Invisible Children.