Super heros'''''''''

July 27 2005

I was thinking, which is weird. How is it that, milk, an easily replinished commodity. Is almost 5 dollars a gallon, and yet, gasoline. Which is derived from oil, a quickly dissapating natural resource. Is only 2$ and some change? I'll tell you why. Milk taste damn good, thats why. Honestly now, who the hell wants frosted flakes and a big heaping bowl full of gasoline...iik

my closing,
my name.

your closing?
my grandpa's name?

Ashley Orman

July 27 2005
who be u?

Lauren Beasley

July 27 2005
milk sucks. apple juice is so much better.


July 27 2005
come get yo stuff today dude.

where is my love?~

July 27 2005
umm... ok

Stephanie Levine

July 27 2005
milk is alright.


July 27 2005
thank you.

Morgan Taylor

July 27 2005
hah thanks

Brittany Dickens

July 27 2005
do I know you?

Virginia Moss

July 27 2005
cranberry juice is 13213546 times better than milk. ♥ jerms, i love you. shhh. don't tell ben.

Erin Caudillo

July 27 2005

LiKe YoOh NeEd tO kNoW?!?!?!?!?!?!

July 28 2005
Do I even know you?????

Cara Hawkins

July 28 2005
That girl is Nicky Baldulf..she is so funny and wonderful..