
November 07 2005

No school tomorrow because of a local election day. That is awesome. yet, of course the one day school is out for a while... i have to work. That is just no good for me, so if anyone wants a job at Panera Bread Company, just let me know. Other than that....I got nothing...

Random Thought- There should be more music on this thing.


November 07 2005
i agree there should be more music!! matt--make it have more music!!!

sideline cowboy

November 08 2005
banana wooooooo i hate bananas.

Kylie Boy

November 08 2005
getting out of school is always fun.


November 08 2005
uhhg no fair i have to go to school...luckly...i dont have a job tehehe ...i dont really like Panera bread tho. i went one time and had the chicken salad...not quite the best ive ever had. cool your profile pic