"I don't play sports; there's a reason I was in drama!"

July 29 2005
. . . quote of the day by yours truly, lol.

And this was my entire day:

photo from BeautyFromPain

I just found out there's a support group for people with eczema. Lol, maybe I'll join.

Laura Polis

July 29 2005
you should've quoted me. . .


July 29 2005


July 30 2005
thats skill right there. holdin it with your chin. hope your summer is goin great. piece


July 30 2005
haha i need to join that support group. :P

Laura Polis

July 30 2005
i know. . but after watching movie after movie after movie. you're desires have begun to rub off on me. . .


July 30 2005
aww, babies are so cute.

Christopher Horne

July 30 2005
Haha, was a little random, but perfectly alright. I usually do end up meeting a bunch of people because my mom teaches out there.

Laura Polis

July 31 2005
random play

Becky A.

July 31 2005
I love that quote. I use it all the time, except I say band instead of drama lol. That's a really cute baby!