Well. . .

July 26 2005
So, it's official. I'm getting a new(er) car in the near future. I really want a Honda CR-V, and my parents will go along with it as long as we find one at a good deal. The catch to all of this is that I have to pay for half. . . but oh well. 'Bout time I started pulling some of my own weight.

I watched Finding Neverland last night and cried. It was beautiful; I don't know when I cried like that over a movie last. Now I really want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp and Freddie Highmore are a great duo.

Nothing else is really going on. Friends are either scattered on the days I'm off, or I'm at work, so it's hard to hang out now. Lol, at least I have money for when we do hang out.

Ashley Orman

July 26 2005
wow thas one of the cars i wanted to get, it was an option cuz its 'foreign' but anyway good cars not bad gas mielage, but anyway u know if u ever want to hang out u have my cell # im basically not doin anythin til school starts lol. but anyway take care ttyl!


July 26 2005
get a nissan, lol :) re you going to the video scavenger hunt with the youth group? I am. If you are I'll see you there.