Corn, anyone?

October 25 2005

About four hours ago, I discovered that my computer came with Windows Movie Maker. Complete with editing. . . yes, Amy Powers, you read right. My freaking computer has what we'd need to make short ((and very amateur)) movies.

. . . now all we need is a video camera, lol.

I've got a biology test Thursday and a test in understanding mass media. . . how glorious. I've studied this bio pretty thoroughly, but I'm afraid it won't matter. Dangit.


October 25 2005
don't you love that feeling that you have for bio. all that studing doesn't matter.


October 26 2005
You know, I just noticed Windows Movie Maker on my computer too, and it made me quite curious. Hmmm... after Christmas... By the way, you better be at AO tonight. I have an UMM test next Tuesday... bleh...


October 26 2005
yes, spanish. and yes, you can say i told you so.


October 29 2005
movies yay! you're so beautiful and i still love that jacket! =)

Megan Polis

October 29 2005
you remember how we talked about how you wanted to do something by the time you graduated and we talked about "random" things, yea well last night...yea