Busyiness (is that even a word??)

July 07 2005
Yesterday I went to the Toby Mac brown bag concert with Rachel, Alex, Jason, Amy, Aimee. It was fun....Then we went to the mall...I found the cutest swimsuit to take to Hawaii with me...I've been really busy in the past like 2 weeks..I started my new job last week and worked 4 days and then this week I only work 3 days but I'm TRYING to get all my stuff together to go to Hawaii..I leave on Sunday...I'm so excitied!!!
The 4th was fun too..I went to MTSU with Lauren and her mom and dad and grandparents and then Alex came too... So we all watched to fireworks together, which were really good by the way... Hope everyone else had a safe, fun holiday..
Now I've got some laundry to do as well as organizing for this trip that I'm so unprepared for but EXCITIED!!!!

Jason Thacker

July 07 2005
it is not, but I understand

Brittany Dickens

July 11 2005