
October 03 2006

I know I get lonely, and I talk about how I wish I was in a relationship, but as I look at who I am, I thank God that I was kept from being in relationships with guys I've liked thus far. Ever since I was young, I had this image in my head of who I wanted to be, and I know that being in a relationship would have hindered who I have become and who I am becomming. There are some things that God needs for me to do before he leads me to my husband, and even though I have a hard time with that, I accept it. So many people find their identity in a relationship, and it's really sad. I'm not even talking about high schoolers, I've seen it happened among my college peers, too. God has so many great things in store for us, but if we constantly divert our eyes and focus on something that He doesn't want, then we completely miss out on His goodness.


October 04 2006
very true stuff....sometimes I have to remind myself of the same things, that God isn't yet done with me and that He knows just when the right time to bring my future husband in my life will be. Thanks for that reminder, Anna. love you girlly.