Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

August 12 2005
First of week of school.

It's okay. I have lunch with Maegan, Ethan, and Ryan.

Best part of my day.

I went to the park with Maegan, Paul, and Brent.
It was fun. I love those kids.

Paul's much more fun now.

He talks funny.

Honestly, if I died, what would you do? I really want to know what people's reactions would be.


August 12 2005
yea it wasnt intended for it to mean like the gay thing'

Hanna F.

August 13 2005
i would cry.

Hanna F.

August 13 2005
and thats an understatement.


August 13 2005
my answer is in the xanga


August 14 2005
i would run into the middle of the street and then get down on my knees, hold my arms up and yell "JENNY WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME HERE ALL ALONE! WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT YOU! JENNNNNNYYYY!" and in the rain. because it has to be raining. because then no one could see my tears. and i like rain.