1 and 1 make two, 2 and 1 make three. it was destiny.

August 07 2005
It's pouring rain outside.

I love it. I want to go outside.

Air is my element, but I like water more.
I'm a libra, but I'm also kinda half scorpio. I'm born 5 minutes before scorpio.

IKEA sucked yesterday. Like, I loved being there. But there's so many rude people nowadays. I yelled at a little kid. Kind of. Not really. He was staring at me and he kept saying in a sing-song voice "Look at the tiny mommy" and I don't think I look like a mommy at all. Him and his little sister were laughing. I was annoyed, so I went away and he followed me. So I yelled "Stop staring at me" I think I scared him. He went to his mom and dad.

He deserved it.

People suck. I can't stand them. Even grown-ups were staring at me. I don't understand why they look at me strange. Most of them were Indian, I don't stare at them because they look different. It doesn't matter to me, I don't know why it must matter to them.

I'm starting to like anime more.


August 07 2005
thanks. rain = nice stuff man fire's my element. im told its obvious. mmm... im an aries. we have a good bit in common my dear. i hate it when weird ppl stare at me. adults are stupid. i stopped going to my lil bro's ball park completely b/c of all the stupid kids and adults staring at me. i hated it. i have to go. caio bella.


August 07 2005
i am dramatic


August 07 2005
you dont look different


August 08 2005
that picture you asked about would be in south carolina on the edge of downtown and that little boy is a meanie! (that was HARSH!)


August 08 2005
the one who was staring at you of course...